Greg Wallace.. BBC got it wrong again

I dread to think what the wokers would make of the office banter I've been involved in over the years. And it's true, women can give as good as they get and then some.
many like to complain of sexist, misogynistic culture, but will happily start sentences with:

typical man..., the problem with men... only a man would think..
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I dread to think what the wokers would make of the office banter I've been involved in over the years. And it's true, women can give as good as they get and then some.
The lady that used to work for me wasn’t like that, thank God. Once, I was going out and asked her to do something for me. When I got back she hadn’t done it and I called her a lazy, fat c**t. She looked at me all indignant and said "Oi, less of the 'fat' if you don’t mind!”
The lady that used to work for me wasn’t like that, thank God. Once, I was going out and asked her to do something for me. When I got back she hadn’t done it and I called her a lazy, fat c**t. She looked at me all indignant and said "Oi, less of the 'fat' if you don’t mind!”
did you marry her?
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I would not deliberately insult the Welsh, not me boyo. Not me cobber. No way marra. No way Jose.

Now flag shagging gammons on the other hand.....
I am called a "Gog" because I come from North Wales, I feel proud of being called a 'Gog' short for "Gogledd" I see nothing wrong with calling people after where the come from, we at work called one guy Jarrow and he was proud of his routes.

Although I could not help laughing a bit in Taffs Well trying to be friendly called the shop keeper 'chariad' and was told "We don't talk Welsh here boyo." Had never realised they actually used the work boyo in South Wales, I just dina ken.
he's made a few posh women feel a bit uncomfortable - and its making the main news
and one of the complaints seems to be - a producer had said that she felt he could be making someone else feel uncomfortable ....

and then we have Rod Stewart getting all offended - a bloke that released a single titled "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl"
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