
We live on a pretty steep hill and the gritters can't get up it!!!! It's like a bloomin ice rink. I abandoned using the car to go anywhere cos there was no point in even trying but several neighbours revved the hell out of their cars, wheel spinning and going nowhere trying to get up it.

Hell, my dogs couldn't even get up it with 4 paw drive!!! I was encouraging them to pull to try and get past the steep bit but the dog was just sliding back towards me. The other one, he kept falling. Wonder if the council would pay my vets bills if my dog breaks his leg!

And up here in Scotland, we should be prepared for it. We've got the biggest mountain of salt at the roads department depot but it would be nice if they'd actually use it.
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why dont the gritters reverse up the hill then it would already be gritted for them :D
I just don't understand why the busiest world airport Heathrow and other large airports in UK don't have some good equipment to fight with f****ng snow... That is just amazing... :confused:
It's a good deal less amazing than your lack of ability to work out the reason for yourself.

Money. It's always all about the money.

If you were a shareholder in an airline company, would you want profits thrown away on buying, housing and maintaining equipment that gets used only once every 20 years? Or if you're an air traveller, are you prepared to pay higher ticket prices to uphold those profits?

Do you want to pay more Council Tax to have gritters also standing idle?

How's about you spend one instant of your time imagining how difficult it is to grit the roads at the optimum moment - not too early and not too late - and having to justify the occasions when it turns that the weather forecast was wrong, and thousands of pounds have been wasted?

Edit: just noticed that trazor had already covered much of this. Sorry.
Maybe we should save money on gritters and ploughs at airports and build them (especially runways) all under-cover, with just a big door at each end to let the planes in and out :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :eek:
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If it was a green conveyor belt, would it stop an airport from being built there?
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