gross misconduct/social network site

You say it was 'such a hole' that the boss said no-one was to work there until it was cleaned up. He is just as bad except he did not post a picture. ok your friend should not have posted the picture but to say 'would you have a coffee here' does not seem like gross misconduct to me. Surely she would require a verbal warning then a written warning before being dismissed.
Bit of a silly statement. The boss appeared to be looking after the welfare of his employees by not letting them work in dirty environment. How does that put him in the wrong?

As for dismissals, you don't necessarily need a process of verbal then written warnings before being shown the door.
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You can't allow or be seen to be permitting employees to take pictures of people's homes and posting them on the internet. The housing trust and the company have to act responsibly.

This time it might have just been a street name but if she gets off next time someone posts a tenant name or picture of their front door etc. Pretty sure they'll sack her to warn everyone else, and legitimatly so, as it is indeed gross misconduct.
on that evening she is talking to her friend privately,and ends up trying to post photo/comment about {would you have coffee here}to ends up to all friends

"The dog ate my homework".

Even if true, never works as a defence.

im not trying to defend her actions,but its a bit harsh to lose job when place was empty,no names of company,logos,or people involved.picture was kitchen and street name

Risk + cost of lawsuit (or lost business) to company for posting private information, vs risk + cost of lawsuit from sacking employee.

The risk of her suing is much higher than the risk of the empty home owners suing, but their potential damage is much higher.

I am not saying she should be fired, but she should very definitely be warned/suspended and investigated, then if they are sued by the home owner, or risk losing contracts, they can show they did not act negligently, and so can protect their interests.
Have you all missed it was a vacant property?

Verbal warning.
A revision of working practise and contracts.

End off.
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