hair today gone tomorrow

jasy said:
Mums dad not bald. Dad is. I shave mine. Chick 10 years younger than me. Christmas morning every morning i wake up. ..................Analyse that hair boys !!!!!!!!!!!!! :LOL: :LOL: and by the way she will make your head turn !! ;)
photo :rolleyes:
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My mums dad had thick black hair which turned grey in his 60s. (he had 9 children).
His brother had ginger hair. Started going thin on top in his 90s. (he had 23 children)

My Fathers Father had thick black hair all of his life. He had 18 Children. My father had thick black hair all of his life, had 7 Children. I had one uncle that went thin on top at 18 years old. He only had 4 children, so it seems that the slap heads don't have so many kids.

Then again I have thick black hair, but only 3 kids, but I'm not Catholic either. ;)
So is that another example of recessive but non receeding ginger hair then?
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Unfortunately, I have a bit of a penalty spot round the back but my hair is shoulder length and brushed back, so it does tend to hide it a bit. I don't class this as a comb over and I have no intention of shaving it all off. I have tried the tennis-ball look and I'm not comfortable with it. There are a lot of baldies and/or number 4s walking round out there. For the record, my mum's father was bald most of his life I think. But of course he still had the bit round the side all the way to 93.
Kingsley said:
........... he still had the bit round the side all the way to 93.
Hope I'd be up for that at 93 ( even 'on' instead of 'round' ) Never mind the flipping barnet !! ;) ;)
So is that another example of recessive but non receeding ginger hair then?
I have one brother that was a carrot top, and strangley enough, I have various bright red hairs in my mostash (the origin of my nickname).

So it looks like our family is destined to be blighted by red head throwbacks for some generations to come. Our genes have been sullied and there's nothing I can do about it now. I blame the Irish :LOL:
For throwing paint?
There seems to be a lot of red headedness in Ireland. I think they caught it from the Celts. Then in the 1700s a lot of Irish people found their way into my family tree. This passed the faulty gene onto my family. As far as I know there is still no cure and I believe that I may be a carrier.

I gather that it is quite possible, in some circles at least, to lead a fairly normal life with red hair, but obviously it will be a long time, before society can forgive red heads for giving us Chris Evans.

Is it possible that baldness was invented as a method of red heads disguising their afliction?
I've never had a problem with the fact that I'm losing my hair and what I have left is going grey. I have however, in my life, had a few problems where I've woke up in the morning to realise I obviously went blind the night before !! ;)
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