Happy birthday JohnD

31 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
Not sure when your birthday is, but I did promise a photo of my MEM CUs last night so here it is (sit down John)


No RCBOs though :LOL: :LOL:

(No blanks either ;) )
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It's always a pleasure to see a 'nice pair' RF ! :LOL: .

You gotta few circ's there mate, small place is it ???????? :LOL: :LOL:
Mmmm, not as big as mine but more live circuits (or did you just pad them out for the pic :LOL:

What do the TVSS do?

Is that your private house or business premises?
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JohnD said:
Mmmm, not as big as mine

but more live circuits (or did you just pad them out for the pic :LOL:

Most of them still do something, althogh a couple formely fed now redundant circuits

What do the TVSS do?

Hopefully protect my PC etc which is fed of the general power CU. Not sure if they will actually do anything though.

Is that your private house or business premises?

Bit of both.
You said you had 3 john. wheres the other 2? and do the RCBO pods require a 2-module spacing?
crafty1289 said:
You said you had 3 john. wheres the other 2? and do the RCBO pods require a 2-module spacing?

Here's the biggish spare (I can't get to the medium-sized one today)


the RCBO is tall and thin, so it only takes up one module. In my previous pic there are (counting from the right) two MCBs, a blank, and then three RCBOs with a space between each for future use. You can just make out the black "test" button near the top. Most of my spare RCBOs are in crates to the right of the pic :LOL:
About 6 I reckon. I've got some cleats somewhere in the right size ;)
why does that first CU look like its floating or hanging from the ceiling?

I asked about the RCBO pods because 1. i've never seen them and 2. it happened that you had spaced the RCBOs out, but not the other devices, seemed logical to ask if they required this ;)
It's on melamine-faced chipboard, spaced off the wall on 50mm sq timbers so the cables come in from behind.

Because the RCBOs come with a coil of Neutral (and very thin white functional earth) I've spaced then a bit to give room for the spare wire; I haven't cut it short in case I need to move them. TBH I think the MEM 2000AD is a bit short on space when you have a lot of devices in it. The Memshield are a lot roomier but very much more expensive. That's why I was considering reverting to the 2000 (the double-decker). Alternatively I might cut the openings in the AD back bigger and use the space behind the board to lead them in more smoothly.

I plan to use additional ways when I split off the outdoor sockets and outdoor lighting which is currently on FCUs.
Shame on you, RF!!

No label marking the MET...No Inspect & Test label...No non standard colours label.

No blanks!

AT RISK for you, matey :LOL:
You lot harp on about having fancy label printers, then we get photos of CUs by regulars with hand-written labels :eek:

And secure, you missed something there. NO MAINSWITCH! I did mention this to RF personally, but he said something about pulling the main fuse. :rolleyes: :LOL:

And that carpet . . . did the missus choose it? :LOL:

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