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French know all about terrorism (??)

Was it not the French secret service that blew up a ship owned by Green Peace (Rainbow Warrior) in New Zealand killing a couple of crew members

Some years back ????
Hollande has said France is at war with isis .
Old news. Notice the date:

Can't be that old. They've only surrendered so far, and have yet to collaborate.

Don't think we can save their butts this time, as we've been invaded too. Maybe the Yanks can help out when Trump takes over.

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Hollande has said France is at war with isis and must fight by all possible means.
I wonder if that would include closing the borders and stopping free movement, doubt it, he'd probably rather use nerve gas on them than slay that sacred cow. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Hollande and Merkel....the gruesome twosome.
So you think that the best way to deal with our enemies such as IS is by working less with our friends and neighbours? Interesting.

IS is happy we voted out remember.
So you think that the best way to deal with our enemies such as IS is by working less with our friends and neighbours? Interesting

Now why on Earth would you think that leaving the EU means that we would work less with them on security matters?
The very opposite should be true, unless the EU countries want to cut their noses off to spite their faces and refuse to share intelligence out of a sense of spite. I doubt that would be the case, it's in everyone's interest in the Western world to work together to try to combat terror groups, only a complete idiot would think otherwise. I doubt that the people concerned in the UK or the EU are complete idiots.
IS is happy we voted out remember.
Don't know how you work that out seeing as it would be that much easier for them to infiltrate here in the future if we are in.
No matter anyway, who gives a fck what IS think?
Actually, Europe hasn't been as good as all that at sharing info, but to be fair Europe has never faced something quite like ISIS before. Things are improving now as all heads are coming together but still a way to go.
I doubt very very much if the UK will be left out, least of all because our intelligence is excellent.
Surely calling sooey a RWR is racism.

I'm surprised Himmy didn't pick up on that.

Afraid that lefties are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth and riven with contradictions. Anyone who doesn't think like them and criticises other races or religions is automatically '****ophobic'. (As if anyone is worried about their juvenile, pathetic name-calling anyway.)

However, they're personally fine with being Israelophobic, Yankophobic, Anglophobic, etc, etc - or anyone else deemed worthy of being on their own, special hate lists. The needs and opinions of the lefties are the only ones that count.

Double standards go right over their pc, progressive heads. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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IS is happy we voted out remember.
Don't know how you work that out seeing as it would be that much easier for them to infiltrate here in the future if we are in.
No matter anyway, who gives a fck what IS think?

Agree with sooey. Many people voted out exactly because Mad Merkel is intent on flooding mainland Europe with millions of young, male migrants who we know zilch about. I's a fact that Izal are hiding their terrorists amongst the swarms. (Many of the ones who are yet to be radicalised seem to exhibit some other unsavoury and worrying habits).

So perhaps, by theoretically cutting off the flow of EU migrants (lets not forget that Mad Merkel will soon give them all passports), we also cut off the flow to The UK of African/Arabian immigrants and the terrorists hidden amongst them.

>>>>>>wobs - Perhaps you can tell me how stemming the flow helps isis? I'm all ears?
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.................., but to be fair Europe has never faced something quite like ISIS before.

Yes it has, but the invasions were slightly less subtle on previous occasions. Think about the ottomans in Austria for example. Or the fall of the Roman Empire, brought about by the arrival of the barbarians.

Unfortunately the lefties and progressives are incapable of learning from history, so have doomed us to repeat it. Our ancestors spilt their blood to keep 'them' out of Europe as they were wise enough to know what the results would be for all Europeans. Our dopey, corrupt 'leaders' are welcoming them all back again - then wondering why it's all going disastrously wrong.
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