Have you used the Data Protection Act?

1 Sep 2008
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United Kingdom
Has anyone here ever made a request under the Data Protection Act?

I'm thinking of asking my water company for a copy of all the info they hold on me, including phonecall recordings.

We're having a little bit of a spat about a disputed bill, all hinging on a phonecall I made to them about 6 months back. I checked at the time and they confirmed the call was being recorded and would be available to their dispute resolution department, now they deny all knowledge of that call! :rolleyes:

So, I figured if I make a request under the DPA, I will either have a copy of that phonecall, or a copy of the follow-up phonecall (which they HAVE acknowledged) where the operator makes specific reference to the original phonecall!

Having witnessed some completely shocking corporate database systems, I'm completely open to the prospect of it being an honest mistake on the part of the dispute "manager"... but it does my head in when utility companies get it wrong and then blame it on the consumer!!! :oops:
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Your request will need to be made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, not Data Protection Act.
Water companies are not public authorities or public companies, as defined in the FOI Act, so the Act does not apply. The Data Protection Act is the way to go.

Write to the Data Protection Manager at the company's head office detailing the information you require and enclosing a cheque/crossed postal order for £10 (the fee specified in the Data Protection Act). They have 42 days to reply. Send the letter by recorded delivery so they cannot say it was never received.
Thanks D_Hailsham, I was going to address it to their disputes department but it sounds like it would be better to go straight to the horse's mouth.
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Make sure you ask for everything as they tend to leave convenient bits out. If you have proof of something in a phone call, they may omit this, bit when you get the computer print outs, go through them carefully. They will point out the phone calls, then ask them specifically.
IF your in the right, dont give up. Any manual intervention they have done ask them why and the reason behind it.