It can happen easily if you get distracted and then forget all about it, unless you were starving, otherwise hunger would remind you, I left a pan on low heat when my phone rang, and i went to answer it and it was from work, so my attention got drawn to the job and started to work out a problem to come back to them, and then this alarm went off! indeed I was fortunate that day. Though the smoke or the smell of overheating oil never reached my attached office and a small workshop at the back of the house. My wife has also incinerated food many a times, she leaves things under a grill and in the oven and not come back to it in time and smoke gushes out of the oven.
I remember also when I was a lad in my mid 20s, used to go for a pi$$ up and come back paralytic, and before jumping into my cold bed, i had a habit of warming the duvet and the mattress with one bar electric heater, and then remove it once the bed is warm, switch off and go to sleep, but twice when I was paralytic I took the heater in and went fast asleep, only to be woken up by smouldering fire that made a foot wide hole in my mattress and duvet, burned my leg, that is what woke me up, all the while I was dreaming that my drinking pals were trying to mess about with me whilst i am trying to catch a sleep, I thought they were pinching my leg preventing me from sleeping, but when I started to kick my legs about pleading with them to let go and let me sleep, they wouldn't stop, of course it wasn't them, it was the smouldering fire, so finally i managed to open my eyes a little to see which one of them was annoying me , and good job I left the room light on as well, and as I opened my eyes, the next thing I saw was thick white smoke and immediately it wasn't my mates but my bed was on fire stupidly I left my heater inside and went to sleep!
Immediately I jumped out, removed the bar heater and chucked it on the floor in panic, the floor had a carpet covering and little did I know that the heater has landed face down still switched on on top of the carpet, and I ran straight to the bathroom to fetch some water in a small baby tub, to put the fire out, two buckets later, I opened windows and doors to disperse smoke, and then realised my carpet was also on fire, that bar heater I took out of my bed and slammed it on my carpet had also burned a gaping big hole.Both my parents and brothers and sisters were at an Aunts house to celebrate New Year, only I decided to celebrate with my mates!
When this happened one New Years Eve, the same bloody thing happened the following New Years Eve!and again my leg got burned! Indeed some people learn the hard way, and some never live to learn hard way. I am lucky.
Hey its a miracle and Central Heating is a life saver! Hey Gas Central Heating saves more lives than it takes!! ha ha
I am wondering when the fire burning my leg could barely awake me up, would a smoke detector awake a paralytic person.
I remember also when I was a lad in my mid 20s, used to go for a pi$$ up and come back paralytic, and before jumping into my cold bed, i had a habit of warming the duvet and the mattress with one bar electric heater, and then remove it once the bed is warm, switch off and go to sleep, but twice when I was paralytic I took the heater in and went fast asleep, only to be woken up by smouldering fire that made a foot wide hole in my mattress and duvet, burned my leg, that is what woke me up, all the while I was dreaming that my drinking pals were trying to mess about with me whilst i am trying to catch a sleep, I thought they were pinching my leg preventing me from sleeping, but when I started to kick my legs about pleading with them to let go and let me sleep, they wouldn't stop, of course it wasn't them, it was the smouldering fire, so finally i managed to open my eyes a little to see which one of them was annoying me , and good job I left the room light on as well, and as I opened my eyes, the next thing I saw was thick white smoke and immediately it wasn't my mates but my bed was on fire stupidly I left my heater inside and went to sleep!
Immediately I jumped out, removed the bar heater and chucked it on the floor in panic, the floor had a carpet covering and little did I know that the heater has landed face down still switched on on top of the carpet, and I ran straight to the bathroom to fetch some water in a small baby tub, to put the fire out, two buckets later, I opened windows and doors to disperse smoke, and then realised my carpet was also on fire, that bar heater I took out of my bed and slammed it on my carpet had also burned a gaping big hole.Both my parents and brothers and sisters were at an Aunts house to celebrate New Year, only I decided to celebrate with my mates!
When this happened one New Years Eve, the same bloody thing happened the following New Years Eve!and again my leg got burned! Indeed some people learn the hard way, and some never live to learn hard way. I am lucky.
Hey its a miracle and Central Heating is a life saver! Hey Gas Central Heating saves more lives than it takes!! ha ha
I am wondering when the fire burning my leg could barely awake me up, would a smoke detector awake a paralytic person.
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