I hope this is the right section. Heavy rain has caused a fine crack to open under wallpapering in plaster and in the paper letting rainwater in on the upper part of my window well above the fitted pvc window. There seems to be other points of entry literally permeating the skin of paint over the wooden surround of the pvc frame. There is no water seeping at the join of the pvc..no sign of window seals letting water in. A few weeks ago it happened very slightly and we used sealant outside in any linear join outside we could see to seal the frame above and below a thin black wooden lip about a few centimeters overlapping upper window edge outside but the water if anything is more now and we think we may have made things worse. There is no problem elsewhere on the wall which we can see and the gutters have been cleaned (they were not badly clogged anyway).
The windows upstairs do not have same problem inside but a lot of water seems to be dripping off the ledges outside.
Can anyone suggest a simple solution which we can do ourselves or if not advise how much it would be to get it assessed and put right? The house is semi 1970s with upper half pan tiled front .
The windows upstairs do not have same problem inside but a lot of water seems to be dripping off the ledges outside.
Can anyone suggest a simple solution which we can do ourselves or if not advise how much it would be to get it assessed and put right? The house is semi 1970s with upper half pan tiled front .