The DHW not required grey wire I have seen left disconnected many times either at the cylinder stat or the programmer and the user is unaware anything is wrong, as all it does is limit the DHW temperature to below the CH temperature, all still works.
The DHW is not electrically controlled by the motorised valve, if the valve is fully open then you get no DHW, but default with no power to valve is DHW. So if no DHW your not looking at the three port valve.
The valve has a bleeding lever, this without power moves the valve to centre position, and it can be latched in the centre position, when the micro switches fail, some times latching the valve will keep the central heating running, this was done with daughters house, and my son-in-law when cleaning knocked lever off latched position which resulted in CH failing, at of course most inopportune time, just when new baby arrived.
I was trying to test with the diagram you posted, which only shows one micro switch, so getting what seemed really odd results, new three port valve did cure it, but not helped by wrong answers to questions, did the radiator warm up in the summer when thermostat turned off got a no answer, in fact they did, just daughter did not notice.
As to Plumbers not doing electrics, yes the one I got here was the same, in fact even the central heating guy looked at my set up and said I can't sort out the electrics, lucky I could, but can understand why previous owners had given up and were burning wood for heating.