Hi all, I've moved into a new cottage only to find it has really
Old wire colours, solid , white, black, red, yellow, green and blue, so when
I opened the master, red was on 2 and blue on 5, none of the others
Used, so I transferred over to a up to date adsl faceplate, what I can't work out is
What colour goes into 3 for the faceplate to work , I've tried the other 4 colours one
By one but doesent seem to work, can anyone shed any light on the colours
And tell me what new colours they correspond to
Old wire colours, solid , white, black, red, yellow, green and blue, so when
I opened the master, red was on 2 and blue on 5, none of the others
Used, so I transferred over to a up to date adsl faceplate, what I can't work out is
What colour goes into 3 for the faceplate to work , I've tried the other 4 colours one
By one but doesent seem to work, can anyone shed any light on the colours
And tell me what new colours they correspond to