Help with old colours and Adsl faceplate

4 Jul 2023
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United Kingdom
Hi all, I've moved into a new cottage only to find it has really
Old wire colours, solid , white, black, red, yellow, green and blue, so when
I opened the master, red was on 2 and blue on 5, none of the others
Used, so I transferred over to a up to date adsl faceplate, what I can't work out is
What colour goes into 3 for the faceplate to work , I've tried the other 4 colours one
By one but doesent seem to work, can anyone shed any light on the colours
And tell me what new colours they correspond to
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Telephone wires are two only from the exchange to the home.
The third wire was only used on internal extensions as an 'anti tinkle' on the very old bells in instruments.
It's not required for modern phones, and may cause more interference with ADSL signals on the main pair if present. Wiring.htm has the commonest colours.

BTW you're not meant to touch the BT Openreach wiring and connection boxes.
Thanks for yr reply, I understand the 2 wires, the Adsl faceplate will only work if I use it with a micro filter in the phone line , if I use the adsl ethernet one next to it won't connect to the net, so I don't get it , it doesn't even flash

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