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Ireland's spend on healthcare per capita is among highest in Europe​

Ireland is well above the EU average (€3,197) and spends just under €1000 per capita more than the UK
Misleading statistics Don't help Notch.
America spends more per capita on health but that doesn't mean we should admire the American system.
The reason Ireland spends more on health is because most people have to pay through private insurance.
Waiting lists for treatment are for those who can't pay.
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Misleading statistics Don't help Notch.
America spends more per capita on health but that doesn't mean we should admire the American system.
The reason Ireland spends more on health is because most people have to pay through private insurance.
Waiting lists for treatment are for those who can't pay.
“The reason Ireland spends more on health is because most people have to pay through private insurance”

and the lies keep on coming.

less than 50% of people in Ireland have health insurance -so no most people do not have to,pay through private insurance.

“Waiting lists for treatment are for those who can't pay” - thats true in the U.K.
No, you dishonestly tried to imply Ireland has a surplus because it spends nothing on public services and the public have to pay for everything.

but your dishonest framing has been found out.

this is what you said:

”Easy to have a surplus if you don't spend anything on defence or have a public health service like the NHS.
If you ring for an ambulance down there and you don't have insurance, you get a bill.
If your house catches fire, its the same.
Huge numbers of homeless

however the reality is this:

1) around 40% of citizens pay nothing - so poorer are protected

2) the rest only pay 100 euros and a max of just 800 euros - FA compared to a private system like America

3) you said “if you ring for an ambulance” - the ambulance service is free.

I trust you will do the honourable thing and admit you were being totally misleading.

You are a tribal Unionist who is utterly brainwashed into tribal thinking and as a result you are happy to spread lies on the Ireland, the EU even Putin.

It is the dogmatic attitudes of people like you that kept the violence running so long in Ireland
He also claimed that this caused huge numbers of homeless people.
He also claimed that this caused huge numbers of homeless people.
I didn't claim any such thing.
Notch was banging on about Ireland having a 60 billion euro surplus.
I replied that it's easy to save money if you don't spend on defence , health care and housing.
What percentage of GDP does Ireland spend on defence.
So let me get this straight. The Irish revolution, partition and the 'troubles' were all down to Vinty complaining about NHS waiting lists in the Republic.

You do like to twist people's comments into something they're absolutely not. You did it to me, when I questioned if something had really happened, and you twisted it into, "So you think they deserved it"!
Your English comprehension is a lot lower than many English speaking foreigners I know. At least if they have a problem,, they have the grace and honesty to ask for an explanation.
You lack both of those qualities, on top of your poor command of English comprehension.
Notch did absolutely not say what you think he said:
You are a tribal Unionist who is utterly brainwashed into tribal thinking and as a result you are happy to spread lies on the Ireland, the EU even Putin.
It is the dogmatic attitudes of people like you that kept the violence running so long in Ireland
Notch said, "Vinty is a tribal unionist.".
Now if you need that explaining, just ask.
Notch also said, "It is the dogmatic attitudes of people like you that kept the violence running so long in Ireland".
I will explain this one for you because this is obviously the bit you're having problems with. :rolleyes:
It is tribal unioist attitudes (similar to that held by Vinty) that helped to prolong the violence in Ireland. (The same could be said about tribal Nationlists, but that's beside the point).
Notch did absolutely not suggest that trobal unionists attitudes affected in any way the NHS waiting lists.

Your tactic of debate is dishonest and immature.
I suspect that is because you have difficulty with the fallibility of your arguments.
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He also claimed that this caused huge numbers of homeless people.
There are lots of homeless in Ireland, but that’s true in Northern Ireland and rest of U.K., probably across Europe too.

it’s a common dishonest technique used, same thing as brexers who claim EU is “protectionist” without making meaningful comparisons.
He also claimed that this caused huge numbers of homeless people.
I didn't claim any such thing.
The evidence:
Easy to have a surplus if you don't spend anything on defence or have a public health service like the NHS.
If you ring for an ambulance down there and you don't have insurance, you get a bill.
If your house catches fire, its the same.
Huge numbers of homeless.
You reaffirmed what you said:
You are starting to sound deranged Notch.
Let me repeat what I said originally.
”Easy to have a surplus if you don't spend anything on defence or have a public health service like the NHS.
If you ring for an ambulance down there and you don't have insurance, you get a bill.
If your house catches fire, its the same.
Huge numbers of homeless
Notch was banging on about Ireland having a 60 billion euro surplus
I wasn’t banging on about it.

I replied that it's easy to save money if you don't spend on defence , health care and housing
But that’s not true, Ireland clearly does spend a lot on healthcare - just because better off people in Ireland pay a small contribution doesn’t mean it’s not govt funded.
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