Hotels "cashing in"

10 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
I have just seen this bit of news and I am appalled. Many of you will know that I used to work in hotel management: I would just like to say that this sort of carry-on would not have happened had something so terrible occured near a hotel I was running. Just disgusting.
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its a disgrace. apparantly taxis were workin last nite, most FOC. at least they will have more respect than the hotels
In my experience, hotel room prices are subject to massive 'discounts' as and when it suits them, for example, many years ago, I stayed at a hotel in Edinburgh that let us have the rooms for £55 per night, when the 'normal' price was £150.

If this story was an example of the hoteliers charging more than their normal standard rates, then I think they should be named and shamed. If they are just not offering discounts when they are nearly full, then this is normal practice. That happens on one of the budget airlines.
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I'm a capitalist Tory and even I think it's off. :eek:
The problem is when there's any major disaster, they will be always someone cashing in :eek: