Hourly rates

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Human rights can be an expensive game .. phew !!

Is Law the best paid occupation ?

C. Strasbourg costs and expenses
110. The applicants were represented before the Court by leading and junior counsel and a senior and assistant solicitor.
Both counsel claimed to have spent several hundred hours on the case, but, in order to keep costs within a reasonable limit, decided to halve their hourly rates (to GBP 125 and GBP 87.50 respectively) and to claim for only 115 hours' work for leading counsel and 75 hours' work for junior counsel. In addition, leading counsel claimed GBP 5,000 for preparing for and representing the applicants at the hearing on 7 September 2004, and junior counsel claimed GBP 2,500 for the hearing. The total fees for leading counsel were GBP 19,375 plus value added tax plus VAT, and those of junior counsel were GBP 9,062.50 plus VAT.
Despite having invested approximately 45 hours in the case, the senior solicitor claimed for only 25 hours and halved his hourly rate to GBP 175. He also claimed GBP 2,000 in respect of the hearing. The assistant solicitor claimed to have spent over 145 hours on the case, but claimed for 58 hours' work, at GBP 75 per hour, half her usual rate. She claimed GBP 1,500 for the hearing. The senior solicitor's total costs came to GBP 6,375 plus VAT, and those of the assistant solicitor came to GBP 5,850 plus VAT.
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I suppose any form of service that is out of the reach of the majority's skills will achieve a high rate of pay especially if the majority are willing to pay their wages ;)
Don't use the service and the price will eventually come down. This is true of sport and entertainment also.
Unwittingly, I believe we are using them, that case was publicly funded under legal aide ... Is that why they halved their fees ? :D

As always, either need to be mighty rich or skint, 'cause in the middle you cannot really afford rights..
You're letting the magnitude of the figures get in the way! :LOL:

Can you picture a builder saying "Tell you what, I'll charge you half my normal rate, AND I won't charge you for all the hours I worked".
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