I have had several combi's in different places and hopefully will never have to put up with one again!
Hmmm, not filling me with confidence then. The only consistent response I had from the three quotes was that there was no logical place to put either a vertical normal, vertical thin or horizontal unvented cylinder. If I really did want one I would have to alter the roof, which sounds a little bit extreme for what I want to achieve.
Think I will have to make do with a combi and hope that they develop significantly over the next few years, or hope that unvented cylinder options change to better suit my property.
What I might ask my plumbers to do is to stick some additional pipes up into the attic, but to leave them disconnected, so that I have the pipework available without having to rip out bathrooms and kitchens if things change.
can't pop up a couple of pictures of your attic space can you? i LOVE a challenge…if someone says X can't be done, I have to find a way :-0