how do you start a poll

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I've just looked at some of your posts there, and those of your fellow neanderthals which you clearly agree with, and I find you, and your disgusting primitive ignorant cruel and violent beliefs offensive.

Your self-aggrandisement is out of control.
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Did you press the 'Alert Mods' button because that it what it is there for.
No point - the mods support the policy of allowing posters to call for killing and maiming of people they don't like.

I just might.

I just have
Yeah - go on - act as if this site should be a platform for you to say whatever you like and then be protected from criticism.

On the basis of their past performance the mods will side with you, but that will not make you any less contemptible in my eyes.
I've just looked at some of your posts there, and those of your fellow neanderthals which you clearly agree with, and I find you, and your disgusting primitive ignorant cruel and violent beliefs offensive.

Your self-aggrandisement is out of control.
Would you care to explain how me stating that I find someone's views disgusting and offensive etc is an act which increases my own importance?
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