How greedy is Mr. B. Ecclestone?

16 Sep 2003
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United Kingdom
Didn't this guy try to buy favours from the govern... oops, I mean the New Labour Party for a mere £1 million? How much money does he want so there is a British Grand Prix?

If he needs his heating fixed he won't be able to afford my £multi-million bill.
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oilman said:
Didn't this guy try to buy favours from the govern... oops, I mean the New Labour Party for a mere £1 million? How much money does he want so there is a British Grand Prix?

If he needs his heating fixed he won't be able to afford my £multi-million bill.

He's very greedy but, he should never have been allowed to get so much control over, and so much money from, motor racing.
To be honest I don't really care if there isn't a BGP. It's all so predictable and boring these days.
Tell that to the 50 ooo that go there and the millions who watch it on the TV. It's sad that one man has the monopoly on it all but it's a business he built up from nothing so............come on Mr BLIAR get your hands in your pockets and sort it out
jasy said:
Tell that to the 50 ooo that go there and the millions who watch it on the TV. It's sad that one man has the monopoly on it all but it's a business he built up from nothing so............come on Mr BLIAR get your hands in your pockets and sort it out

Built it up from nothing? You'll have to explain that one to me. While you're at it could you explain also why the taxpayer should cough up when so much money is made out of Formula 1
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jasy said:
............come on Mr BLIAR get your hands in your pockets and sort it out

He IS sorting it out, he should stop doing that and get his hands out of his pockets so he isn't distracted by it.
Studders said:
jasy said:
Tell that to the 50 ooo that go there and the millions who watch it on the TV. It's sad that one man has the monopoly on it all but it's a business he built up from nothing so............come on Mr BLIAR get your hands in your pockets and sort it out

Built it up from nothing? You'll have to explain that one to me. While you're at it could you explain also why the taxpayer should cough up when so much money is made out of Formula 1

Formula 1 was dead and buried commercially and was re juvenated by ecclestone who turned it into the multi- million pound business it is now. I do not suppose the reason he wants to stop the British Grand Prix has anything to do with the fact he is losing money from tobacco advertising, or lack of it. I do not support ecclestone and i certainly do not support BLIAR but it would seem a shame to lose a huge sporting event, (whether you like it or not Studders), due to money. What about the BBC. We give them enough each year, surely they could sort it out. Come on Studders give us your way of sorting it out i tried some suggestions ;)
End of the line .... They are all snouting in the trough.
I used to really enjoy F1 ... not now ... it is merely a corporate convoy venture with lacklustre personalities ... turn up growl, at the camera, do a quick spin or two, to ease the conscience over the team orders .... Slam in some real quickies at the end to show 'I could have won if I wanted !!'
There is no real competition .. I am not interested in tyres .. give 'em all the same I say ... Actually makes me cagey of tyre manufacture .. looks very much like they cannot make 4 the same ;)

Drivers past their peak hanging in ... We know they'll never be a contender for the title but they foolishly babble about being a winner ... Look at Martin the commentator .. 256 grands Prix .... wins ? Zilch, zero, nowt !! Still, away from motor racing Martin is a shareholder with his brother, Robin in the Brundle Group of motor dealerships, with a turnover of 30 million pounds, flogging Toyota, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Skoda and Honda. ;)
Was totally psyched out by Senna in F3 and never recovered in single seaters from that. All rich boys having great fun at someone else's expense.

I watch the mo-bikes more so now ... Valentino Rossi is the boy to watch, he loves it and lets it show ... not a little jump and punch the air ... blood and guts the stuff of racing !! Even that is diminished no chairs etc !!! :oops:

Bernie Ecclestone is a businessman and wants his money. But we can't ignore the fact that he is also a man with a surname referring to no less than TWO types of cake: Eccles and either "rock-cake" or "Scone", depending on how much artistic licence you will grant me. ;)

F1 was, and possibly still is, a largely British sport. Not sure about this year, but certainly 10 years ago pretty much every one of the big teams had their HQ in England. Obviously Ferrari didn't, but there are still plenty of Brits in their F1 team.

We need the British GP, it is a key part of the British sporting calendar. And why should I be paying for football and athletics via various government hand-outs, when I would far rather sit and watch F1 on a Sunday? £9M really isn't a lot of money. How much of a world-class football stadium would that buy? It wouldn't even buy 1% of a big white t*t on the side of the Thames. :rolleyes: Almost every guy I know watches F1.

And while they are at it, reduce the ticket price, it's £100+. I know a guy who had to scrimp and save for months so he could take his son to the British GP for a birthday treat.
I learned my lesson back in the 70's at Brands, great circuit, far too expensive.

The BRDC would take all the gate money at Silverstone .. still is not enough.
Too many snouts in the trough.

Expect Virgin brit GP or some such thing, but no Govn money please .... F1 is a parody now ... look at the luxurious accomodation etc they carry with them .. even the never won will never win lot Sad but true .... take the game away from enthusiasts and eventually it will fall apart ... I mean, all but 4 teams are not really in with much chance unless others fail to finish ... The rules are tinkered with to share the prizemoney pot amongst the also rans .... I mean, there is no spectacle at the circuit once the pit stops begin ... the whole thing rides on a sea of media hype.
F3 was great years ago ... James Hunt etc all vying for a championship in pretty equal cars .. which almost guaranteed an F1 drive.

Noticed how little anyone mentions Nigel M ? He stirred the Brit crowd like no one before or since ... He was a real racer, with stiff opposition..Senna, Prost etc all in their prime and all F1 champs .... Brundle never mentions him ... the others ? well they are not really F1 people just 'hangers on' last true non-racing racing type .. Murray Walker !! an enthusiast through and through !! Who almost single handedly brought car and bike racing to the masses, he laid the groundwork for the big TV productions of today.

jasy said:
Come on Studders give us your way of sorting it out i tried some suggestions ;)

Well Jasy me old fruity, first

Get rid of Ecclestone, he doesn't give a 4x for F1 in Britain or the people who want to see it, that much is obvious. F1 was dead yes but it was far more than just ecclestone who revived it. They can do it again, will probably have to before long. I know several people who are actively involved in motorsport and even they are getting a bit sick of F1 (though of course they still watch it). It's not a sport anymore it's a technology competition.

Once ecclestones gone, and F1 once again becomes something that is more than just a moneymaker for the few at the top, we should see some improvements.
Its entertainment, yes it can be as boring as football, Have heard of football hooligans, not yet heard of F1 hooligans. (Probably will in 5/10 mins)

We don't all like the same things in life..isn't THAT WONDERFUL..
Studders said:
jasy said:
Come on Studders give us your way of sorting it out i tried some suggestions ;)

Well Jasy me old fruity, first

Get rid of Ecclestone, he doesn't give a 4x for F1 in Britain or the people who want to see it, that much is obvious. F1 was dead yes but it was far more than just ecclestone who revived it. They can do it again, will probably have to before long. I know several people who are actively involved in motorsport and even they are getting a bit sick of F1 (though of course they still watch it). It's not a sport anymore it's a technology competition.

Once ecclestones gone, and F1 once again becomes something that is more than just a moneymaker for the few at the top, we should see some improvements.

Love it mate, thats more like it :D :D
I thought exactly the same when i heard the news,"how greedy can the garden gnome get?"But after some thought i think hes right(even if hes holding the sport :LOL: to ransom)Typical brit businessman(the owners of silverstone),we've got the gig,we pocket the profits,to hell with investment and everyone else! Shot themselves in the foot this time :D
But then again who cares about f1,its not a sport, its run by a greedy gnome and its more fun LISTENING to paint dry at the moment :D
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