Damocles, I apolise about saying "have to" it was only a turn of phrase,not meant in a bad way, obviously none of us have to say something we don't want to.
You answers have obviously led to further questions though.
I am certain Britain would do worse out of the EU. And I would not be surprised if the special relationship with America suddenly became very frosty because America wants friends inside the EU, not outside.
I was under the impression the UK was the biggest European investor in the US. Besides why should our membership of the EU bother the them? You being certain we would be worse off by leaving the EU is meaningless, almost like me saying we would certainly be better off by leaving. None of us would know for certain until after the fact, it is pure guesswork. Except our payments to them that is, that would definately stop, that is a fact, and the ammount can be calculated beforehand.
I have never been a civil servant to anyone. Nor am I a consultant.
I don't think I have to answer any questions on vat either. ARGGGHHHH*****###$$%$$%%%^$##
I have answered part of this earlier but I find your reply bemusing. You are stressing you haven't been a servant rather than saying I haven't worked for the civil service. Which is not the same. None of us in the UK have been servants to anyone.
I have no idea which country's charge VAT at exactly what rate on what classes of goods. Tax harmonisation means there is an organised attempt to keep taxes at similar levels in different EU countries. This makes life easier for anyone wanting to do business in different countries. Including those day-tripping across the channel to buy cheap goods. With a bit of luck you will not need to.
I find this answer odd, you know every aspect of the EU you have been asked yet don't know about VAT on new houses, which is common knowledge. I would suggest you would rather not say it is true because people are concerned about it after harmonisation. I fail to see what channel crossings have to do with it but here goes. The part which makes our booze and fags more expensive is mainly the duty not VAT. The crossings are also one of the main area's that annoy people too. We pay the heavy price of being in a so called free trade market and yet are restricted in what you can buy. Whats all that about then, where's the advantage to us there? I know this is our Gov's fault but the EU is happy to let them do this. They are therefore not on the side of the consumer at all.
I don't think we were misled into the EU at all. I think it has worked out well, as advertised. Just watch all those manufacturers run to Europe if we were outside it. no one would set up a manufacturing company here to sell to Europe if we were outside.
Hypothetical claptrap and you know it, as we have said before WTO agreements make this pointless. I would of thought it may even be the opposite, companies may take advantage of a lower taxed and less regulated UK. They can still trade with Europe and they would still do so.
The exodus to China as proved that companies ,wherever possible,are more interested in costs than location, These goods still end up in Europe anyway EU or not. Companies prefer lower costs and simplicity not bureaucratic nightmares.