How long

10 May 2006
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United Kingdom
The other day I asked soft lad mick if he had any conception of how long a million years is.
Then I started trying to get my head around that myself, which I couldn't begin to.
Now, I've been trying to think of something man has created which could still be around after such a span of time, I can't think of anything at all, can anyone else?
If the human race was wiped off the planet tomorrow, leaving everything behind just as it is, and assuming no other intelligent life forms evolved to interfere, what evidence of human existence would there be in a million years, ignoring fossil evidence because there would obviously be some of that.
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A very interesting question.

When we consider the Carboniferous era - admittedly 300 million years ago - the only things left from that period are now underground (coal).

My first response was that some things made in stone may survive but, even so, they are likely to be underground overlain by silt and the like which, after a million years, would doubtless cover everything.

Then there's continental drift.
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A very interesting question.

When we consider the Carboniferous era - admittedly 300 million years ago - the only things left from that period are now underground (coal).

My first response was that some things made in stone may survive but, even so, they are likely to be underground overlain by silt and the like which, after a million years, would doubtless cover everything.

Then there's continental drift.

And erosion over a million years, so unless covered by silt etc, stone would probably be gone too?

Although the bodies found in bogs are well preserved, does anyone know if they are actually preserved as such, or just undergoing a much smaller rate of decomposition and would be gone after a mya..if that's the term?
When the big ice sheets cover the planet and start shifting everything is grinded to dust. Even the diamonds.
Diamond is so hard it will be doing the grinding I would think so it is a good shout.
Things taken to moon may survive as the atmosphere is zero and no moisture, so question is Sooey, should we take a sample of your DNA and store it there? You may be the next life form on earth! Just hand a couple of drops of your .....masterbated excess in a sterile container and hand it to NASA. :LOL:
The premise was something that would still be around after being subjected to all the travails of Earth, weather, earthquakes etc.
If we're talking space the voyagers will still be going and the TV and radio signals we transmit will still be expanding out into space in all directions.
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