How to make your turf look like Wembley !

I am no expert but am a bit of a lawn fan. I find the process fairly simple to achieve very good looking lawns;

1) Weed, Feed & moss killer end of march (as the weather starts to improve)
2) scarify a few weeks latter
3) Dash some seed about the place and leave for 2-3 weeks to allow the lawn to recover
4) Start cutting weekly (min) until the end of the season
5) Alternate the patterns for a really impressive look
6) Feed every 8 weeks
7) Scarify again about a month before the weather turns bad.

I find the main thing people get wrong is they cut the grass to short. Unless you plan to play bowls or get your putter out you need to leave it slightly longer to get the lush striped look.

We moved property a year ago and it took 6 months to get the lawn looking fairly decent. Now we are about to dig most of it up.
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It does seem effort but I thank you all dearly for the advice!

I am going to save for artificial grass as I just don’t have the time with little one.

I didn’t know you had to hoover it though!!
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Just to confirm guys - are these all weeds or treated with something else


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Some of those are easy targets to pick out with a pair of old broad screwdrivers (one for the digging, the other a lever). Grab the entire tap root and it's never coming back. Pick a nice sunny evening and a bottle of your favourite beer, be systematic. Also, pick or mow before any flower heads seed to prevent spread.

(Clover is harder to get rid of)

I think if I was going to spend anything like that on my lawn I'd use it to pay someone to cut the grass and improve the lawn for me...
Yes, me too.... to returf the lot and start again.

I read just the other day that fake lawns need to be replaced every 7 or so years too to look their best. Ouch.
Some of those are easy targets to pick out with a pair of old broad screwdrivers (one for the digging, the other a lever). Grab the entire tap root and it's never coming back. Pick a nice sunny evening and a bottle of your favourite beer, be systematic. Also, pick or mow before any flower heads seed to prevent spread.

(Clover is harder to get rid of)


Thanks Iv actually just used seceteurs or whatever it’s called to cut the weed type things ...

and then sprayed weed killer on the branch bit that’s in the ground....

so you’re saying to try pull it out completely
The leaves should still be attached to the plant when you spray it! The poison is absorbed through the leaf and stops it generaing food. You can still go ahead and pull out the branch bit (tap root) but now they're not as easy to grab as the leaves are gone!

Oh I didn’t know they would have to be replaced ....why so?
Lots of things - depends on the quality of the grass originally laid & that grass backing, then wear and tear, then how much you keep it clean, falling leaves, doggy piddle, that sort of thing.
Fake grass is false economy. For the first few weeks they can look good, once the hot weather comes they can loose their colour quite quickly.
Lots of things can cause them to look very worn very quickly. Childrens drinks/sweets/biscuits/vomit. Animals urine/feaces/vomit, (and they may not be your animals but wild ones like foxes/hedgehogs etc). Fake grass also has to be pegged down with metal hoops which can be a danger to small children if the work loose or become corroded and the top bit snaps off or breaks on one side to allow the other side to stick up ready to impale someone in the foot.

It looks good on a show house lawn/film set when laid by professionals but for everyday use I think it's a total waste of time, money and effort.
A real lawn will stand up to a lot of hard knocks over the years and recover quite well if you look after it.
We cut ours at least once a week from early March to around late November depending on the weather. Once the temperature starts to fall below 8C we let it rest over winter before starting again in spring.

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