How to part arm if new keypad at bottom of stairs

Presuming that you are allowed, you just need either a panel downstairs to allow you in, without sprinting downstairs to disarm, and a keypad upstairs to allow you to go downstairs? They could be either way around. That's presuming that you have a PIR downstairs. If, like me, you only have a door switch, you can arm/disarm by the downstairs keypad
I just find the fob easier- it can be a habit to use it at the top of the stairs- panel can be anywhere
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An App can be used as well as a second keypad/ arming station at the bottom of the stairs, hard wired or wireless, but depends on how you need it to work and what permissions you have.
Thanks everyone this is just for my own flat which is self contained and bought not rented, I installed an alarm around 25 years ago with a kit from CEF consisting of a remote keypad at the bottom of the stairs where my own door opens to outside then I had a pir pointing downstairs to cover the front door! I had the panel with keypad in the walk-in cupboard at the end of the hall in the second pic and had 3 pir’s covering the back rooms of the house. So roll onto today and I just wondered what was advised about part arming at night a panel with keypad, a second keypad or fobs ?
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The problem is your asking about part arming and no one knowing the details of the system you have, or what you want to actually achieve.

Part arming options vary from system to system and how you want it to work, may determine the best option.

two keypads or panels with built in keypad and a second keypad still apply but are they needed.

realistically I am guessing you don't want to go down stairs at night in your pyjamas and so you want to set it from within the flat, but when your going out of the flat you want to arm it when you leave the front door.

With an App uit can all be done from the smart device (compliance would be an issue but as its bells only it doesn't really matter), but if your relying on keypads, then how you want to set and unset determines on the system and how its programmed and used.

You could treat the downstairs door and hallway as a separate entity to the flat, but still arm in part set from the flat, still need two keypads for that.

with one keypad in your flat you could arm part set from that keypad and full set from that keypad, and hae the doorstairs door as the final exit so in full set it has to see the door open and close.

The issue then is starting the entry and getting to your flat to disarm if thats the only place there is a keypad.

In an ideal world how do you want it to work, where do you want to arm and disarm from when system full set and part set.

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