how to.

tim west said:
almost say it's factory manufactured,

It is produced by a PCB "factory". I just e-mail the artworks and about 5 days later the boards come in the post. Cadstar V 7 is the design package I use.
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Are they reasonably priced? I use Circuitmaker 2000 and recently also Real PCB as it links in with Crocodile Clips and is good for teaching others electronics principles.
tim west said:
Are they reasonably priced?

£130 for 12 boards plus £80 for photo plotting the artworks from .spl files.

That is plated through holes, solder resist top and bottom and silk screened legend.

Which means it is actually cheaper for me to run a prototype with 10 or more IC equivalents ( > 140 pins ) through them rather than creating a bread board on strip board to test the circuit.

Avoid the off-shore companies as the quality is very variable. Hair line cracks are the most common problem with the fast turn round on prototype or small quantity boards. For production quantities they are OK provided bare board testing is included.
bernard, what companies do you recommend for making the PCB's? as part of my job I design stuff for R&D prototypes and low volume production. We've always used slow expensive UK companies, but i have recently tried the ones i mentioned above (for prototype stuff) and found them good, but if there's companies that are economical to use over here i will use them.
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