how wet r u ?

Brillient!! this is the sort of thing that sets us apart from the creasures of the forest :LOL:
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surely, one would think you would get equally as wet running and walking, because even though the speeds are different, the distance covered is the same, so same rain exposure. However, running, you spend less time in the rain, so less droplets get chance to hit you, therefore you get less wet. On the other hand, more droplets hit your front running, as you are running into them.

Therefore, running, your front gets wetter. Walking, your head and shoulders get wetter. My theory.
Surely it's not how fast you move, but where you move to. What you need to do is keep an eye on the rain drops and dodge them as they come down. If you manage to avoid them all, you'll stay bone dry.

If you can't master this technique, just running really fast stops you getting wet. Your bow wave in the air simply pushes the rain away.

Since your frontal exposure is directly proportional to your speed, but inversely proportional to the time of exposure, you are better off walking. If you're lucky it will stop raining before you get home. As for the top exposure, once your hair has become saturated, it won't absorb any more, so unless you get home before saturation, any reduction in time will be futile.
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i'm just splitting up with a business partner. i'm going alone (no arguing etc). i thought of WET WET WET as a name for the new company (plumbing)....however i have now dismmised it.
JPC said:
i'm just splitting up with a business partner. i'm going alone (no arguing etc). i thought of WET WET WET as a name for the new company (plumbing)....however i have now dismmised it.
If it's a plumbing business name how about OPEN YOUR WALLET HERE I COME ;)
the thing to do is test it.......
2 mates with a bucket on their heads....on walks the other runs...
making calculations for water adhesion to the bucket , it should answer the question...
so we need some prat to try it some time (and no....i'm not trying it !) ;)
JPC said:
the thing to do is test it.......
2 mates with a bucket on their heads....on walks the other runs...
making calculations for water adhesion to the bucket , it should answer the question...
so we need some prat to try it some time (and no....i'm not trying it !) ;)
Cue Freddie! ;)
kendor said:
JPC said:
the thing to do is test it.......
2 mates with a bucket on their heads....on walks the other runs...
making calculations for water adhesion to the bucket , it should answer the question...
so we need some prat to try it some time (and no....i'm not trying it !) ;)
Cue Freddie! ;)

:LOL: :LOL: love it........................c'mon fred!!
freddie and kendor, that might calm them both down a bit! ;)
Thermo said:
freddie and kendor, that might calm them both down a bit! ;)

They would argue over who wears what bucket and how to wear it!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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