How's your luck with Premium Bonds?

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Million draw has been announced, do you need anything, wine, beer, massage
Stand down lads - £25 each for me and Mrs Mottie this month. I'll still have that massage cb if it's still going......:mrgreen:
You could go and see a financial advisor. Better still, take advice from some bloke you don't know on a DIY forum who has appointed himself a financial expert. :rolleyes:
You'd probably get better advice. All financial advisors ever told me is how much fees they'd get. At least with Premium bonds, its one less thing to put on the tax return.
£50 for Mrs Mottie, £75 for me. Not made me feel any better - it's 4.15am and I can't sleep because of an effing crunching/clicking shoulder pain that just won't go away. Pain killer taken before bedtime usually wears off around this time. Been giving me jip for over a month so far. :mad:
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