If you mean you don't understand what it says, it's complaining that there isn't a hot water return, though stubs etc are there.
The point of a HWR is twofold:
1) to reduce the waiting time at the taps, especially those further from the cylinder. If there's a circulation pump running (can be timed, by the way) then the loop is always hot so the unheated branch pipes will be short.
2) To get all the cylinder up to the same temperature. with no HWR you get "stratification" in the store. Hot water rises, so the cylinder sits there with hotter water at the top. It's less of an issue with horiz stores but look where the heaters are and where the thermostat/s is/are. And where the outlet is. If the water's being circulated, it'll be more or less even so you won't get half a store of lower temperature water.
It could be a right and proper PITA to run the what-the-book-might-say 22mm all the way from the top floor to the basement. You CAN get away with a 15mm plastic pipe, which with a bit of luck is easier to thread through. I have done that and it worked well enough.
Be mindful that you will have a lot of hot pipe losing heat all the time, both flow and return, so it should be well insulated.
You can argue about when the circulation pump should be tined to be on. Morning and evening to match draw off times, is popular.
NB it need to be a pump designed for the purpose, not a Heating circulation pump. ££+.