I worked for a time in Algeria, in the main in accommodation camps used for workers on the pipe line being laid, but had to some times work with local supplies, the problem was although the supply was 110 volt as single phase, using three phase or split phase changes the voltage so with split phase it was 220 volt across the two supplies, but with three phase it was 190 volt phase to phase.
So stuff from Holland (I was working for a Dutch company) was 220 volt so with split phase worked OK, but with three phase an air conditioning unit does not like working with only 190 volt.
As to powerline units they should be banned, they cause so much interference, however UK rules are strange, with the exception of fire arms and the like, we can buy and sell what we like, even if it is illegal to use it. In Hong Kong to buy a radio transmitter I had to show my licence, that is not the case in the UK.
There are plug in units which turn wifi into hard wired or hard wired into wifi so there is no need to use powerline units. And as things progress likely we will find filters designed to stop damage by transients will stop the powerline units working anyway.
As well as the worry some one can get into your network, also as more and more people use the devices they will interfere with each other in the same was as they interfere with radio transmissions already.