I don’t Excel at tiling

Looking at the bog Tone. a simple offset pan connector with the seal removed and sealed with CT1 would have been much easier. Hope you were careful with the soil pipe it looks like asbestos to me.
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Yey, I thought/hoped as much. Ta ToneV :) I’m a bit paranoid about giving offence and I wouldn’t want my style to bug anyone. So then…

I’ve decided I’m going to bite the bullet and change the whole lot of tiles! Like the cheapskate I am I put the new cupboards on top of the existing tiles, where the previous cupboards were, but ideally I’d like them lower for better access.

The pamphlet I have for the overhead extractor fan, for the cooker, says that the fan must be no less than 65cm from the hob, for a gas hob, (50 cm for electric). So I could lower it by about another 10cm. Doesn’t sound much perhaps, and it’s not a problem to a long-arse like me, but why make things more unreachable and difficult methinks, as long as I don't keep head-butting them.

I also noticed that the fan isn’t sucking all the fumes up at its current height, some of it bellows around the outside. So I was wondering if it would work better if I used the external pipe instead of the recycle facility where the exhuast is just a few holes across the top at the front of the unit?

I would like to have taken the fumes outside, using a big diameter tube, but where my cooker is positioned it would look like the opening to Monty Pythons Flying Circus, so it’s not really an option unfortunately.

My ex girlfriend, (but still a friend), is smaller than a mouse and has been using a stepping stool to get to the higher shelves. So if I do this extra work it will make it better for her too, (See, I’ve got a kind heart

I figure if a job's worth doing it's worth doing well so while I’m at it I may as well just replace all the tiles now. I’ve been reluctant to do this not just because of the money, which I don’t have, but I just can’t do plastering; it’s not my forte’. I can do small areas but not entire walls. Oh well, kerching again… Like I haven't got into enough debt this year.


I’m wishing I’d never started it all now.
Looking at the bog Tone. a simple offset pan connector with the seal removed and sealed with CT1 would have been much easier.
Haven't heard of one of them before. It's not too late for me to get one and replace my other effort although it seems to be holding okay - so far.

Hope you were careful with the soil pipe it looks like asbestos to me.
I hadn't thought of that. It didn't cut like plastic or anything I know. Was it still commonly used in 1962? (When my house was built).

I knew someone who died of asbestosis. It took two weeks to cremate him.
Sorry, I shouldn't joke about it. I'm genuinely concerned now.

Whenever I work I tend to breath through my nose so if it is asbestos I hope the worst case is that there wasn't much in the air and only a negligible amount got through to my lungs. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that

Thanks bud
I'm going to bag the offcut, very carefully, and show someone who can confirm it for me. Someone just told me that around 20 tradsmen a week die from it, (he thinks that's the figure), so it sounds like it's still a serious problem sadly.
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I think I'll survive

I’ve just spoken with a clinician who’s in the know, (I work in the NHS), and he told me it’s quite likely to be concrete asbestos but I shouldn’t worry too much. He went on to say there’s white and blue asbestos, blue is worse.

He also said that as I was cutting it there should have been a kind of vacuum from the flu pipe thingy which would have tended to suck any, or most, of any dust down the pipe and not in my face. I sucked any other bits up with my Dyson allergy vacuum cleaner, so a change of filter and careful clean would be in order. I’ll be more mindful of it in future.

This has nothing to do with tiles but may be of interest. I’m the queen of drift soz…

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