I don't understand

Space,time or anything only exists in your conscious mind,when your dead nothing exists.Life really is mind blowing :eek:
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Light changes as it travels, it moves from our visible spectrum. That is why the telescopes that look the furthest into space, therefore further back into time, are radio telescopes and not the traditional mirror based telescopes.

Check out redshift on Wikipedia.

B0ll0x...check out the hubble ultra deep field.
Very pretty picture, but the planned James Webb telescope will see further back in time.
how did it all start?
It didn't, it's always been and always will be, just in different states of change. It's only our brains that believe something has to start and end.

Maybe we don't exist at all
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Space,time or anything only exists in your conscious mind,when your dead nothing exists.Life really is mind blowing :eek:

Well not really, space/time etc also exists in mathematics and it's fair to say it existed before you were born as there is history. Hard enough to understand the physics without people lobbing philosophy in there :)
If light slows down to pass through glass - how does it speed up again?

I'd guess it maybe related to the way electricity "flows" which is nothing to do with how fast electrons travel down wires, which I belive is something like about 5 cm/s however the wavefront travels very fast indeed.
Light changes as it travels, it moves from our visible spectrum. That is why the telescopes that look the furthest into space, therefore further back into time, are radio telescopes and not the traditional mirror based telescopes.

Check out redshift on Wikipedia.

B0ll0x...check out the hubble ultra deep field.

The telescopes that look FURTHEST are the radio telescopes. Without visual light the traditional telescopes doesn't work.
Everywhere was the source of the Big Bang. The Big Bang was everywhere and is everywhere. There is no centre to the Universe. Just your position/perspective.
My take on the Big Bang is that everything is travelling away from everything else, the red Shift and all of that. So, reverse that process and you end up with the hypothesis of the Singularity 14 billion years ago. Simple !!!!!!!
If the Big Bang was everywhere as you suggest, the particles that make up the Universe would have nowhere to expand into and therefore all particles would not be travelling away from all other particles.
My perception is somewhat limited by my very limited imagination, but all present thoughts of the clever guys is that it all started with a singularity. Maybe that singularity gave birth to multiple Universes, the so called Multiverse hypothesis, as such our observable universe is no more than a bubble in that multiverse, a bubble which is in itself expanding and, as we cannot observe the void to which I refer, then maybe that void is outside our observable 'bubble'.
But where this breaks down is that the Big Bang theory was derived from our observable Universe and what has been observed suggests the Big Bang singularity, as such the source of the Big Bang must be in our observable bubble/universe
Any thoughts on those thoughts UriBentMySpoon?

Going back to what I was saying earlier about the universe having to expand to take into account the moving galaxies. The universe is literally everything. There is nothing outside the universe to stop it expanding. I don't think I explained myself well there but do you see what I mean? It is a mind bending thought. It is easier at least for me to think there are multiple universes, it just seems easier to grasp.

As for the source of the Big Bang. Imagine a rubber circle coploured red, that represents the singularity. The Big Bang is the singularity expanding. Stretch the rubber circle. Your question of where the singularity is is like asking where the red in the rubber circle is. The universe/singularity/rubber circle is expanding, the red is everywhere, as suggested by the cosmic backgroung radiation.

How does that sound?
Hi UriBentMySpoon,
Novel mind concept but it doesn't quite work for me.
A singularity is just that - an infinitely small point, not a ring or a torus, so the expanding ring/torus breaks down for me. Note I say 'me' that is not to say it will not work for someone else.
Multiverses has a nice conceptual feel to it, in that the big bang could have produced many independent universes of which we have no concept and never will have. This will also explain why we cannot find the void which was the source of the big bang, as it is outside of our universe.
The mathematics produces the concept of multiple universes and multiple dimension, although I am not clever enough to begin to understand the mathematics involved.
Another area of debate for the Astro/Particle Physicists is the identification of Dark Matter. I have thought many times about this and have concluded probably rather naively, maybe the so called dark matter is there in great abundance but we can't see it as the light/radiation has reached us yet. Consider the fact that such galaxies could have been created say 500M years ago, but at a distance of say 501M light years from us, so we will start to see in in 1M years from now. Hey presto we can then account for any amount of Dark matter we want to.
All of this starts other thought processes, such as the mapping of the known Universe. I think we can only map what we can 'see' both in the visible and non visible spectrum. Even then what we see will in most cases no longer exist as we are seeing what was there in some cases Billions of years ago and there will now no longer exist and even if is does it certainly won't be were we see it today. So what we see no longer exists in a lot of cases and what does exist we can't see as the radiation has not reached us yet.
I think these confusions of mine were the reason I didn't follow Physics as a career after University. I just wan't clever enough.
Why would anyone want to read a Bronze Age book written after the event and changed throughout history?

Those that wrote it thought the world was flat.

Which other bronze age book do you read?

Joe90 reckons its goat herders from the bronze age. Google will be his friend on this one.
Joe90 reckons its goat herders from the bronze age. Google will be his friend on this one.

Joe 90 is just about right. The Bible is a collection of fables, stories handed down and distorted for someones gain. The New Testament written around 70 years after the supposed events, with more distortions. Then the translation By someone reporting to King James I. A book full of contradictions. How could anyone take such a collection of ancient writing seriously?
You really need to read the God Delusion. A far more impressive book based on EVIDENCE, not ancient hearsay.
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