i`v taken the plunge

thanks everyone for the advice, i have taken all your posts onboard, my grants in the pipe line so should have it soon. had a good week last week, this week was excellent, repaired a glow worm bbu it was the p.c.b, make a nice wedge out of that one. customer over the moon to have hot water again. guy who installed the boiler walked away from the repair with the chuffin instruction, i got a new set for the customer. good feeling knowing the customer thinks your the best gas man in the area and having a fat cheque for the job also, was on a high. done a boiler change this a old timer i work with from time to time also this week. have`nt had time to do any paper work, got to get my head round sage???? got a nice job starting monday, this one is mine, my old timer mate (andy) will be helping with the install.

so far so good, feel i`ve made the righ choice starting my business, always hated working for other installers, just wanted more out of my career, and now its happening.

thanks again everyone for your help,

gavin o`neill, pro gas plumbing and heating services.
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Hi Plumber(new blood) want me to have a look at the pcb? It's what I do for my sin's! :idea: Hairyjon
You get 80% of your work from 20% of your customers.

This from a guy who was s/e for nearly 10 years and had a dbase of 8-900 customers.
plumber (new blood) said:
got to get my head round sage????
Hi plumber (new blood). Good post!
Hope you haven't bought the sage packet yet: too overrated, too complicated adn too expansive. You're much better off with MYOB: Mind You Own Business. Believe me, I'm a bookkeeper ;)
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I have always said that :

"1 happy customer will talk about your good work to 1 other potentiel customer, but 1 unhappy customer will talk about your bad work to 10 other potentiel customers"

I've always found this to be true, so take your time (not too much!), & do the job properly without taking shortcuts. Before going it alone I worked with a guy who had so much work on he was always stressed out telling us all to "hurry up & do the job quickly" etc.
It was easy to see that by doing that he LOST time & money cos somethings had been forgotten or were badly installed and we had to go back and put thing right!!!

I quit working with this guy - he freaked me out - and took the plunge as you did, never looked back since & I have lots of happy customers
androulovich said:
It was easy to see that by doing that he LOST time & money cos somethings had been forgotten or were badly installed and we had to go back and put thing right!!!
My kind of attitude ;) Another good example of proper attitudes and making more money that way in the end you can find here (instead of me copying and pasting it here)
WoodYouLike said:
plumber (new blood) said:
got to get my head round sage????
Hi plumber (new blood). Good post!
Hope you haven't bought the sage packet yet: too overrated, too complicated adn too expansive. You're much better off with MYOB: Mind You Own Business. Believe me, I'm a bookkeeper ;)

before you buy either of them, speak to your accontant and find out what they work with, it will make life a lot easier
Softus said:
WoodYouLike said:
You're much better off with MYOB
Have you seen Omni, WYL? I find it to be very good.
No, can't say I do. 5 years ago I found (on accountants recommendation) MYOB and haven't looked back since. Over these 5 years I also worked with Sage (Charity 'job') and Quickbooks. Sage I still find overpriced rubbish, Quickbooks is better, but MYOB (for me) is still top of the range (also when you compare the price you pay for it and are able to create various companies under one product versus having to pay over the odds to do that with Sage, but that's marketing for you - especially by accountants who get paid to sell Sage to you ;)).
I'm sure Omni is good, as I heard Mamuth is also pretty good, but normally you stick to what you're used to, isn't it?
"plumber (new blood)"

I would love you to post your new Corgi gas number or am I just THE realist here ...lol
then I will give advice/help THEN ,lol :)
as thought a mickey mouse plumber... an wannabie gas fitter ..lol

stealing jobs from well trained top lads in his area ...SHAMEFUL

****** ***** **** ;)
Moz said:
as thought a mickey mouse plumber... an wannabie gas fitter ..lol

stealing jobs from well trained top lads in his area ...SHAMEFUL

****** ***** **** ;)

Just because he didn't supply you with his corgi no. within 3 hours of your requesting it???
kind of quick to jump to assumptions there moz. im sure a guy who is out to screw people over would ask for that amount of advice. :rolleyes:
Someones got a lot of time on his hands. Don't think one will bite in posts from all those new members (FTrooper, MUM, IMAPLUMBER, how many more to follow?) today ;)


depends which log in they use
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