
Oh, god more driving woes. Live down south, you never get out of second gear.
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If you sit on the speed limit you can sit in any lane you like as no-one can ever catch you up unless they break the law - and if they break the law they are no better than the guy sitting in the middle lane.
If you sit on the speed limit you can sit in any lane you like as no-one can ever catch you up unless they break the law - and if they break the law they are no better than the guy sitting in the middle lane.

Rule 264
You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past. Slow-moving or speed-restricted vehicles should always remain in the left-hand lane of the carriageway unless overtaking. You MUST NOT drive on the hard shoulder except in an emergency or if directed to do so by the police, HA traffic officers in uniform or by signs.
[Laws MT(E&w)R regs 5, 9 & 16(1)(a), MT(S)R regs 4, 8 & 14(1)(a), and RTA 1988, sects 35 & 186, as amended by tma 2004 sect 6]

To drive in the middle or outside lane unnecessarily is lunacy.
What do you do when a police car, legally exceeding the limit wishes to overtake, force them to undertake...... :rolleyes:

Their are many more scenarios, where again it would be stupid and dangerous.
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What are the rules on speeding? Or is it you only follow the rules that suit you? Police cars that speed MUST use twos and blues so you can tell they are behind you.
What are the rules on speeding?

There are instances where a driver must, or indeed, be encouraged to go faster than the speed limit in order to overcome a situation that would be more dangerous should he or she remain at the speed limit. In these instances, the driver of the vehicle, blah blah blah will not be prosecuted.
What are the rules on speeding?
I'm sure you know them.

Police cars that speed MUST use twos and blues so you can tell they are behind you.
Thus you will move into the inside lane, where you should have been all along.

Imagine you and 2 other drivers in all 3 lanes side by side all doing 70 MPH, then a police car rapidly catches you up.
The confusion over who should brake and move in would be hilarious.
joe, why have 3 lanes on a motorway in that case? lets have one lane for all those limited to 56, and one for those limited to 70.

grow up, we dont live in your fantasy land where nobody speeds.
Thing is its usually the speeders who bitch about it, yes you know who you are ya Audi driving cocks
I was watching the speedo all the way up the hill and it was on 25mph all the time!"

What ever happened to watching the road ahead :?:

Exactly!! 'Speed Kills' gets rammed down our throats so much these days that people get it in their head that if they drive slowly, they're a safe driver, and that ain't necessarily so!! I must admit though, that on occassions i've driven through a 30mph zone where there are speed cameras or if there's a police car about, got through the 30 zone and realised that i'd spent more time checking i was sticking to the limit than concentrating on the road.
Thats tghe grreat thing about the C4 - the dash is a digital readout, and the speed is displayed in giant numbers, and its right under the windscreen, so you can always see the speed out the corner of your eye.
Speed by itself does not necessarily kill: inappropriate use thereof may.
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