If ever there was a case for forced sterilisation…..

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
…this would be it. I go past this exact spot on the way to my workshop when I turn off of the A13 and I remember this happening at the time. Turns out it wasn’t the first time or even the second time the same person has done this. Unbelievable!

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The mum or the dad?
Both. All three abandoned babies have the DNA of the same mum and dad although they have not been caught. I think it highly unlikely that the dad didn’t know that she was pregnant unless he only sees her every ten months.
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In a way it's strange to think anyone can pop kids out, literally anyone with very few exceptions.
…this would be it. I go past this exact spot on the way to my workshop when I turn off of the A13 and I remember this happening at the time. Turns out it wasn’t the first time or even the second time the same person has done this. Unbelievable!

Maybe this would work?

Even stranger to think that (in the US) access to abortion is almost impossible, for some people.
Backward RWR, God-bothering nutters.
Texas is considering the death penalty for abortion providers.
Even stranger to think that (in the US) access to abortion is almost impossible, for some people.
Backward RWR, God-bothering nutters.

'What's that? You've been raped and are pregnant? Well, you need to see the pregnancy through as you've now created a life. Don't worry, you'll be emotionally supported throughout.'

I wonder what will happen in banned states where e.g. a top politicians daughter accidently gets pregnant ...
3 babies abandoned one after the other by the same parents

Sort of thing that is common place in 3rd world counties India ? Pakistan ? And other such places in most cases ??? It is baby girls that are abandoned / dumped (?)

As the UK is not a 3rd world country (yet) there are very few excuses for such behaviour and certainly not in 3 occasions by the same people

Forced sterilisation hmmm dunno

But afai am concerned the two scum bags that dumped these babies should be found ?

If they are they should be banged up and only released until they are unable to have any more children

Bit difficult for the bloke ? But may be he could be offered parole or early release from prison if he agrees to volunteer to have the snip ??

She would not be considered for release until she is biologically unable to have any more children


Problem sorted
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