If head gasket has gone, will car definitely break down?

11 Oct 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi, My old Suzuki ignis overheated last summer, I had the thermostat replaced, but it still over heats on a long motorway journey.

The coolant spits out of the reservoir .

It's not worth the 700 quid I've been quoted to do the head gasket and ill get next to nothing if I sell it.

The engine still starts and runs fine apart from over heating occasionally.

Im.wondering how long it may last if I just keep using it?

It's been a while since it started overheating and it still runs well.
Short journeys only, keep an eye on the coolant and always carry extra. Put the heaters on.

There is the possibility that it could be a blocked/linked hose or an airlock. Have you had the coolant tested?

The £700 might be worth it, if you get a functioning car and don't need to fork out for a new one.
Get a compression test and a coolant sniff done that will confirm whether the head gasket has gone or not. As above it could be an airlock or hose / rad problem but If you dont address it yes it will breakdown.
As above, compression test, and coolant test. If the head gasket has really gone, then the running will get progressively worse, as the leak gets worse, and the longer it is run with the leak, the more damage it will do to the head and cylinder faces - Then it might need skimming, to reface them, though I have heard of a process, able to fill in the damage. .
Thanks for all your help guys
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Only coming from my experience Gary, but if a head gasket has failed then the temperature of the engine is rarely relevant - the coolant is blown out anyhow.
I haven't had a Suzuki water pump fail - which doesn't mean they can't, unlike VAG products - and often there will be an oily scum in the expansion bottle.
The sniff colour test does work - gas above the coolant is bubbled through a yellow liquid which turns blue if products of combustion are present and it could be worth pursuing this route.
One more thing about Suzuki - the pipe from the radiator to the expansion bottle must below the coolant level in the E.B, as coolant both flows and returns through the special radiator cap in this car.
The radiator must be brim full - check that first before the E.B.
I don't think it's worth trying to induce more air into the engine bay, but do check to see if the electric fan starts spinning at around the 95 degree mark.
Be lucky
John :)
Join a breakdown club, carry a tub of water, throw some of that miracle cure leak stuff in it. Run it into the ground. £700 sounds a bit cheap and other issues might be uncovered when they start work. Maybe tout it around a few dealers if you're in the market for a replacement - if it runs they'll just send it to auction for you.
If you haven’t already had one done it’s well worth doing a sniff test to confirm the diagnosis. It’s simple to do this yourself with a DIY sniff tester that will establish whether combustion gases are leaking past the head gasket into the coolant waterways. This should at least help you make an informed decision as to whether to repair or replace.