If the Lib Dems won a GE....

Not an answer, how exactly are Germany trying to dominate?

Real reasons for Brexit:
  1. Hitler was European, makes them all bad
  2. French surrendered, makes them all bad
  3. Bunch of other countries I know nothing about, but I don't trust em.
  4. Don't like the political system in the EU, but no idea how it works, just don't like it cos a bloke said it was undemocratic, sounds dodgy

That's it. Not yet read any other reason for it. 3 years, and nothing. Zilch. Nada.
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That wasn't prejudice, that was fact. I thought you'd appreciate that.

you make a childish prejudiced remark about the French and when its pointed out, you double down with another childish remark.
The saddest thing this week is that libs said they would not form a coalition with labour to stop Brexit.
Between them, they could end Brexit if there was an election - they both largely support remain now. So why not agree to work together and then have another election?

Weird stuff politics. People are still stabbing each other, starving, not getting medical treatment, falling down potholes etc. We need to move on from Brexit one way or another.

We now have gangs roaming the streets at night (not an exaggeration, cctv below shows 4 of them!) where I live. Politicians totally taken their eye off the ball. So much crime and the gangs are pretty much untouchable - they just wander through the streets between 2am and 5am usually, taking what they want. It's the Wild West! Somebody needs to take back control. The Tories won't as it will mean taxing their chums to pay for more police.

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I'm with you nearly all the way on this... But fo you think Labour or the wet flannels will be tough on crime? Don't think so.
But fo you think Labour or the wet flannels will be tough on crime? Don't think so.

Could they be worse than the Tories though? The Tories are only just putting more police out there because they see that their ratings have fallen. Having a LD local government here (replaced 20+ years of Tory rule) seems to have made a difference to local crime already - more police on the beat, more cars visible on the streets. Still many problems, but there has been some noticeable changes.
People are quick to rule out lib dems, but I am starting to believe that they might be the best change we can hope for. I'm no longer voting labour next election, I've decided to support the lib dems all the way!
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Funny thing, that question. The last two people I remember saying that were Neville Chamberlain in 1938 and the Polish Prime minister back in 1939. Just after that, Germany...….. Oh I wont bother you with the details, I'm sure an educated person like yourself is familiar with history.
You said it HISTORY, what about today?
But fo you think Labour or the wet flannels will be tough on crime? Don't think so.

True, I wouldn't trust Labour or Lib Dems on crime -look whats happened to crime levels over the last 10 years.
Let's just go back to the good old days, when Britain was independent. When was that? 50BC I think, when the Roman's first came and saw that we were just surviving in mud huts and struggling to get to grips with agriculture. Ever since then, we have benefited from foreign wisdom, experience and aid. 50AD the Romans gave us infrastructure, then the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons gave us seafearing and global trade, then the Normans gave us leadership. Not sure what the best year was though. Maybe about 100BC. We'll be back there soon enough with Boris and Farage ruining the show.
Highly theoretical of course, but...

Let's just say the lib Dems win the next GE with a vote of (plucking a figure out of the air :)) 37% of the electorate...

And as they have stated, their manifesto includes the cancellation of Brexit...

So would quitters consider that a newer 'will of the people' vote would prevail over the 2016 referendum and 'move on' as they are urging remainers to do?

Or would they agitate again for leaving the EU and try for another referendum?

Pretty silly post ....... ".its highly theoretical " ......." .If pigs could fly would you be worried about them dive bombing you to dump on your head ? "

More chance of that than the original silly senario proposed. ...Clegg got booted out by his own constituents .....lib Dems :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Lordy lordy....what a thick azzed mental defeatist attitude

The greatest political minds in the country failed to come up with anything that would work in 3 years.

If you have a solution, you'd better let them know. Or, is the solution "hard brexit and hope?".

If I am a thick azzed mental defeatist, you're a thick azzed suicidal maniac. Unless you have a solution you have been holding back for the last 3 years, something the political elite didn't think of yet?
The greatest political minds in the country failed to come up with anything that would work in 3 years.

If you have a solution, you'd better let them know. Or, is the solution "hard brexit and hope?".

If I am a thick azzed mental defeatist, you're a thick azzed suicidal maniac. Unless you have a solution you have been holding back for the last 3 years, something the political elite didn't think of yet?
The greatest political minds in the country failed to come up with anything that would work in 3 years.

If you have a solution, you'd better let them know. Or, is the solution "hard brexit and hope?".

If I am a thick azzed mental defeatist, you're a thick azzed suicidal maniac. Unless you have a solution you have been holding back for the last 3 years, something the political elite didn't think of yet?
Add to the list.....Naive.....Nothing to do with best solution available.....More to do with giving us a sht deal to stop other countries leaving...common sense
Common sense? Yes, leaving without a deal is the sensible thing to do. That's why so many politicians and business leaders are in favour of it. I can't believe I missed that. Things for helping me see sense!
Yes....actually some are...

Yes, Tim "always ****ed" Martin, Singapore Jim Dyson, Jacob "luck'o'the'Irish" Rees-Mogg the list goes on ...

The leading business voices for Brexit are either permanently drunk, or have already moved their business overseas to protect it from the fallout. Doesn't that concern any leave voters?
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