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JulieL said:
PaulAH said:
Let him stay. This site does a better job than Social Services.

I agree!!

Come and lie on my couch, I'll make you a cuppa tea and you can tell me alllllllllll about it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: !!!

Well, I wouldn't want him coming on my couch, lying either for that matter.
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The best way to deal with the Bobs or TGM's or whatever of this world is to completely ignore them. They get off on outraged responses by the likes of you and me.

Like bullies at school, if you don't give them a response, they lose interest and move on. I suspect this is what has happened at Screwfix.
I can assure you. I am NOT Bob dole....& if these personal attacks continue I shall have to reconsider my position as funniest bloke on the forum & consider moving to somewhere that will appreciate my talent, wit & charismatic charm........ & as for YOU Julie, it`s quite obvious that you are hopelessly in love with me......it`s not your fault... you`re a female...I do however think BOB is someone already posting here, but judging by his vicious cowardly attacks & obvious lack of any sort of wit, it clearly ain`t me..........`c`os I`m luvvly..... :D :D :D
Have a look at the man who claims to be Charley Farley and also another man who comes here from another forum and i think i know who it is and he doesnt sleep much of a night time
& as for YOU Julie, it`s quite obvious that you are hopelessly in love with me......it`s not your fault... you`re a female...

Ahhhhhh.....you've sussed me out Mr traineegasman :LOL: :LOL: !!!!!!!!
kendor said:
jasy said:
We need the likes of the gasman, damocles and kendor on here. When you have had a bad day you can come on here and abuse them :LOL: :LOL:
or vice -versa ;)

I knew you were out there somewhere mate!! :LOL:
traineegasman said:
....& if these personal attacks continue I shall have to reconsider my position as funniest bloke on the forum & consider moving to somewhere that will appreciate my talent, wit & charismatic charm........

Well don't hang about, what's stopping you? Or are you more mouth than action? Or maybe you can't find anywhere.
Sorry m8, luv too, but everybody loves me too much on this site to ever consider leaving.....including you.. go on.... be honest...I`m the CREAM IN YOUR JELLYROLL!!!:cool: :cool:
So your statement about leaving was another of your Bliarism statements then.


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