I had designs on being a motor bike cop but when I found out I had to do 2 years on the beat, (foot slogging in those days, not driving a panda car), I decided against it.
I set myself the goal that if I didn't have a job by the September, after leaving school in July, I would enlist in the RN.
Middle of August and my brother said I had an apprenticeship as an armature winder if I wanted it. Took it, had quite a good life in the trade and learnt many techniques for solving problems in many branches of engineering but sometimes wish I had joined the RN.
As SS says, if I'd joined up I wouldn't have the life I have now nor the experiences I have encountered getting here.
I set myself the goal that if I didn't have a job by the September, after leaving school in July, I would enlist in the RN.
Middle of August and my brother said I had an apprenticeship as an armature winder if I wanted it. Took it, had quite a good life in the trade and learnt many techniques for solving problems in many branches of engineering but sometimes wish I had joined the RN.
As SS says, if I'd joined up I wouldn't have the life I have now nor the experiences I have encountered getting here.