Image from Mars

The image has been texted and shown to approximately 20 people no indication of where it was taken.
Simple question what do they think it is.
They all thought it was a rodent no one said it was a rock.
The only people that think it's a rock are people on here because they believe it's an image from Mars .........:LOL::LOL:

You are a fool. Something looks vaguely like a rodent, therefore it's a rodent. Sometimes I despair.
Vaguely, you sad little cretin.

Nope, I am neither sad nor a cretin. If you really think a poor quality image shows an animal then yes you are a fool. While we are enjoying this lovely little chat, would you like to buy a bridge?

Oh dear Oh dear, There's no so blind as them that won't see.

You obviously are the type of person that agrees the emperor's wearing clothes. Are you really so blind that you don't recognise a rodent ....a lemming to be precise when you see one ?

How's your eyesight, pretty poor ? I'll describe it for you....
Overall shape in the correct proportions
Band at the back the head, eye in the correct position, shadow around the base of the muzzle showing it's slightly off the ground and curved round. Shadow at the back of the forelimb showing the abdomen curved back and recessed slightly from the limb.

Do yourself a favour Google the images for a Devon island help you see I've loaded the image z few times.

Everyone without exception when shown the image states it's a creature no one thinks it's a rock.

It's hard to know what to say in response to your posts which are nuttier than fresh squirrel poop. Something tells me you do not work in image analysis.
Perhaps Gasbanni could actually circle the "rock" in question on the photo. I've enlarged it and still I think I'm looking at nothing more than some rocks. I just can't see a Devon island
Lemming anywhere. (mind you it's a lemming,, perhaps it's thrown itself off a cliff) ;););)
Perhaps Gasbanni could actually circle the "rock" in question on the photo. I've enlarged it and still I think I'm looking at nothing more than some rocks. I just can't see a Devon island
Lemming anywhere. (mind you it's a lemming,, perhaps it's thrown itself off a cliff) ;););)

I've worked out why lemmings throw themselves off cliffs. They've spent months reading the DIYNOT General Discussion forum. It is a merciful release.
Perhaps Gasbanni could actually circle the "rock" in question on the photo. I've enlarged it and still I think I'm looking at nothing more than some rocks. I just can't see a Devon island
Lemming anywhere. (mind you it's a lemming,, perhaps it's thrown itself off a cliff) ;););)

I've worked out why lemmings throw themselves off cliffs. They've spent months reading the DIYNOT General Discussion forum. It is a merciful release.
So why do you still read and post on it?......;)
I must admit that when I looked at the Devon Island link to the enlarged pictures, and then looked at the above, the similarity does raise questions.
As stated, all the proportions do seem correct. Very odd stuff.

I agree it's odd, were it not on Nasa's website I wouldn't give it a second thought.
Obviously it's natural camouflage would protect it from predators, in fact it's camouflage is so good it fools some people on here :LOL:
I've shown the image to young and old, when asked what they think it is they all say ........animal one says rock not even 88 year olds.
The only people that say rock is when they're told it's from Mars. It's from Mars it must be a rock, it doesn't bring any questions to their mind.
I must admit that when I looked at the Devon Island link to the enlarged pictures, and then looked at the above, the similarity does raise questions.
As stated, all the proportions do seem correct. Very odd stuff.

I agree it's odd, were it not on Nasa's website I wouldn't give it a second thought.
Obviously it's natural camouflage would protect it from predators, in fact it's camouflage is so good it fools some people on here :LOL:
I've shown the image to young and old, when asked what they think it is they all say ........animal one says rock not even 88 year olds.
The only people that say rock is when they're told it's from Mars. It's from Mars it must be a rock, it doesn't bring any questions to their mind.

Camouflaged against what? What are the predators it has evolved camouflage against? What does it eat? What does it drink and breathe?
I must admit that when I looked at the Devon Island link to the enlarged pictures, and then looked at the above, the similarity does raise questions.
As stated, all the proportions do seem correct. Very odd stuff.

I agree it's odd, were it not on Nasa's website I wouldn't give it a second thought.
Obviously it's natural camouflage would protect it from predators, in fact it's camouflage is so good it fools some people on here :LOL:
I've shown the image to young and old, when asked what they think it is they all say ........animal one says rock not even 88 year olds.
The only people that say rock is when they're told it's from Mars. It's from Mars it must be a rock, it doesn't bring any questions to their mind.
But if there was life on Mars, wouldn't they have been sending out signals for light years?;)
Dolphins are alive, and surprisingly intelligent.

What can you tell me about their radio transmitters?
Dolphins are alive, and surprisingly intelligent.

What can you tell me about their radio transmitters?
I can't tell you anything about their radio transmitters. I don't think they're on the same wavelength as me.
The only thing I know about dolphins is that they're cute and they save us from shark attacks. ;) (not spreading any myths or anything.;))

You're the one who started this argument. Go on, tell us what you know about their radio transmitters! ( I bet he won't) ;)
AFAIK, dolphins do not have radio transmitters, therefore have not been sending signals to other planets.

The same might well apply to life elsewhere in the universe, including Mars, if any.

However dolphins are alive.

We can therefore deduce that absence of radio signals does not prove absence of life.

As Jocelyn Bell could have told you, the presence of radio signals does not prove presence of life either.
Psychology of conspiracy theories:
Kudos to them for not using words like "nutjob" and "wacko".

But it does go into why people reject science, in favour of these ideas that are clearly wrong. Be it 9/11 twoofers, fake moon landings, and now rodents on mars, they all point to a rejection of science, or just a rejection of truth. If you think this is a harmless quirk for people, consider anti-vaxers, and the deaths they have caused, or the hurt it causes relatives of the 9/11 victims.
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Blimey, is this a serious discussion? I thought it was just a joke!
If you think this is a harmless quirk for people, consider anti-vaxers, and the deaths they have coursed, or the hurt it courses relatives of the 9/11 victims.
Now I know who your alter-ego's Big Al;)
I think, stating the obvious, that some are getting confused.

No one is saying there are rodents on Mars. They are saying the pictures are not Mars.

Here is a picture of Saturn where tigers (or whatever they are called there) have no bodies.

I think, stating the obvious, that some are getting confused.

No one is saying there are rodents on Mars. They are saying the pictures are not Mars.

Here is a picture of Saturn where tigers (or whatever they are called there) have no bodies.


Sorry, I was getting confused.

I do get in a muddle sometimes when i try and understand crack pot conspiracy theories.

Must be all the chem-trails, I do live under some flight paths.