Immigrant Truck Deaths - Could Driver Be Innocent?

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Hmmm would people be sympathetic to the said immigrants if they had survived the journey????
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Hmmm would people be sympathetic to the said immigrants if they had survived the journey????

I have empathy for any decent human being who would risk their life's for a better life... The temptation to spend 30 grand trying to do so needs to be discouraged.
Hmmm would people be sympathetic to the said immigrants if they had survived the journey????
Good question, and going by what I've seen written on here over the last few months, no is the answer.

Who is responsible for investigating the deaths if it turns out that when they died they were in Belgium ?
I should imagine this is an investigation that will naturally, with the journey they've had, need the help of several countries.
Its more than possible that the Driver would have not known what was in the container when he picked it up .

It sounds now that the container was sealed with a Customs seal, it would be breaking the law if the driver broke the seal to check the load . . The question is how was a customs seal applied and where .

What reason would the driver have to stop the truck on a quite road in an industrial estate and open the back door in the middle of the night?
What reason would the driver have to stop the truck on a quite road in an industrial estate and open the back door in the middle of the night?
Or more pertinently, why would a driver stop the truck in an industrial estate covered with CCTV rather than an actual 'quiet road'?
Or more pertinently, why would a driver stop the truck in an industrial estate covered with CCTV rather than an actual 'quiet road'?

So he could show his surprise.. He's job is done.
robinson has been charged with 39 counts of man slaughter.
So he knew they were in the back and was part of the people traficking ring.
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