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William Barr said there undoubtedly was voter fraud.
But hey, let's deflect Boyo
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The same could be said about all social media. Well the ones that allow racist, homophobic, etc comments to perpetuate.

Yes, but when it comes home... ie in the country you're based in; and when you let people say things that MAY then be judged to have cost lives; and when it looks like you did nothing to stop someone incite riots at the seat of government...

... then you might finally being experiencing what was once crudely referred to as sixpence/half a crown!
Follow the money.
I see the word 'DOM...' in reference to the vote counting machines. As we all know Dom is short for Dominic and there is a certain Dominic recently associated in British politics....? Also I see the word '...MATIC' which suspiciously shares letters with the word 'SATANIC'...?

You are right filly, this needs looking at seriously. Luckily, one of those companies is suing Sidney Powell so all the dirt will come out in the litigation. They have got a lot to explain no doubt.(y)
I’ve never had a Facebook, Twitter, instagram account in my life so don’t know but some form of unbiased regulations need to be put in place fast.

It's known as social media but it's actually antisocial. The companies are immoral or at best amoral. Twitter was the medium of communication used by ISIS during their beheading campaign a few years ago and its bosses would not do anything to help the authorities.

In a Netflix documentary called The Social Dilemma, the inventor of the "like" button on Facebook expressed his regrets at how it has turned millions of children into zombies.
I saw that Andy. The youth (upto 23/24) have been caught in a completely new & unregulated world. Messed up a lot of them.
Like China have.

Fact Check: What The Story About China, Dominion and $400 Million Is Actually About | Lead Stories

Did China buy Dominion Voting Systems for $400 million in October 2020? No, that's not accurate: A Swiss investment bank's New York subsidiary, UBS Securities LLC, in October bought $400 million in shares Dominion's parent company, Staple Street Capital LLC. While it appears three of the four board members of that subsidiary's board are Chinese and could represent Chinese investors, shareholder information is private, so it is unknown if China or any other government owns shares. The parent company, UBS, does substantial business in China and is partial owner of a China-based firm, UBS Securities Co. Ltd., which did not buy the Staple Street shares.
There is also a Chinese dish called 'mushroom soup' and as we all know mushrooms are fed a load of sh!t and kept in the dark. Standard electoral interference - right there. Arrest Dominion staff NOW!
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