****in kids

14 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
tryin to work in front garden. have a turf lifter for the obvious, aswell as a wheelbarrow and spade to dig up (startin the block pavin. anyway, have a large number of kids forming around the gate and they wont **** off. instead, there all shouting 'what you doin', 'whats that for', 'why you diggin a hole' etc etc. now there did i put that flamethrower?
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Why aren't they in school? Some just ask these questions to be plain annoying and take the yellow water.
Kids eh ! Just cannot imagine why most of us went to school with them...
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nstreet said:
Why aren't they in school? Some just ask these questions to be plain annoying and take the yellow water.

something to do with it bein 5PM
They spend that much time in front of the TV, playing on their "super nintendo entertianment systems" ;) and have never done any work in their life, it is with amazement they look at someone doing hard work, and admiring tools such as wheelbarrows and shovels.
Awww, they could be doing worse things than asking "why are you digging a whole mister?" :LOL:

Classic one (possibly apocryphal) that I heard was supposedly in Glasgow:

Little boy: "Watch your car for a fiver mister?"
Man: "Haha, see that Dobermann in the back? I think he can take care of it"
Little boy: "Aye, but can he put oot fires?"
AdamW said:
Awww, they could be doing worse things than asking "why are you digging a whole mister?" :LOL:

they were/ felt like sayin 'to put you in

AdamW said:
Classic one (possibly apocryphal) that I heard was supposedly in Glasgow:

Little boy: "Watch your car for a fiver mister?"
Man: "Haha, see that Dobermann in the back? I think he can take care of it"
Little boy: "Aye, but can he put oot fires?"

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