Hi. We've had various quotes for a new kitchen.
We're looking at replacing a gas hob with an induction hob rated 32amp / 7400 w. Below the hob will be two electric ovens side by side (13amp) 2770w as we have now.
Two fitters have said the hob can connect to the current dedicated cooker feed and two other quotes have said the hob will need its own dedicated feed from the fuse box.
Running this new feed from the fuse box is going to cause complications due to the location of the fuse box, possibly lifting new flooring upstairs or removing coving, reskimming ceilings as an alternative route. Needless to say its an additional expense.
I wonder if the experts on here can supply a clear answer. I suspect it will need a separate feed. The house (5 bed - 3 electric showers) actually has two separate fuse boxes - one feeding a substantial extension added including one of the showers.
We're looking at replacing a gas hob with an induction hob rated 32amp / 7400 w. Below the hob will be two electric ovens side by side (13amp) 2770w as we have now.
Two fitters have said the hob can connect to the current dedicated cooker feed and two other quotes have said the hob will need its own dedicated feed from the fuse box.
Running this new feed from the fuse box is going to cause complications due to the location of the fuse box, possibly lifting new flooring upstairs or removing coving, reskimming ceilings as an alternative route. Needless to say its an additional expense.
I wonder if the experts on here can supply a clear answer. I suspect it will need a separate feed. The house (5 bed - 3 electric showers) actually has two separate fuse boxes - one feeding a substantial extension added including one of the showers.