Infuriated By BS7666?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I am.

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Or are you in the DGAF school of thought?

Local councils are beginning to drop apostrophes from street name signs as databases must comply with BS7666 and not contain characters that can "confuse" computer systems.

Some signs with apostrophes missing have had them added by people with markers.

To me, there seems a simple solution, although there is probably a mad reason why it can't be done:

The names on the database have no apostrophes, but the street name signs do.

It's a good job it's not called Âshby De La Zouch...
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Nothing sadder than a grammar naszi.
I am.

Are you?

Or are you in the DGAF school of thought?

Local councils are beginning to drop apostrophes from street name signs as databases must comply with BS7666 and not contain characters that can "confuse" computer systems.

Some signs with apostrophes missing have had them added by people with markers.

To me, there seems a simple solution, although there is probably a mad reason why it can't be done:

The names on the database have no apostrophes, but the street name signs do.

It's a good job it's not called Âshby De La Zouch...
Hyphens are allowable characters. ;)
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Can't speak for anybody else, but I'm not a teacher.

If you want to include me because my parents both taught EFL, then go for it.
Well, I like our MG, but I'm not a member of the owners club.
I am.

Are you?

Or are you in the DGAF school of thought?

Local councils are beginning to drop apostrophes from street name signs as databases must comply with BS7666 and not contain characters that can "confuse" computer systems.

Some signs with apostrophes missing have had them added by people with markers.

To me, there seems a simple solution, although there is probably a mad reason why it can't be done:

The names on the database have no apostrophes, but the street name signs do.

It's a good job it's not called Âshby De La Zouch...
Errr BS7666 was introduced in 1994 and was last revised in 2006. the apostrophe is not an issue for any computer system as unsurprisingly it is contained wholly within a text string, . There is absolutely no mention of the need to remove the apostrophe in BS7666, as each field required in the BS has a type, GRN = interger ( whole numbers) Street Name = TXT ( "to55ser lane's")

There is no reason why any computer system cannot search for a txt string or store a txt string. try it now on this page..Ctrl+F
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