Seems I have touched a nerve.
Do they review PTFE?
It canvases its members - who buy products based on its reports. Its
feedback is (as far as I can find). It does not ask the general public.
Hence anything published is going to be skewed.
I have read their website and it says nothing about Lab testing boilers. All they say is they have asked 5K+ of their subscribers.
How many hundreds of thousands of boilers are sold in the UK each year? They might only accept feedback from >5%. But their reliability figures are based on 1706 responses. WTF?!
What knowledge (really) do homeowners have about their boiler's inner workings? Or the true nature of faults. Most people I come across are more concerned with the bottom line. A boiler either works, doesn't work or works poorly.
We asked Which? members about their brand of gas or oil condensing boiler, and to tell us about breakdowns, problems and annoyances with their gas boiler.
Hardly a survey likely to give an even handed response. Especially from such a limited data source.
Even IF they receive no money WHATSOEVER from manufacturer's there is no evidence on their website that would make me want to buy a boiler on their say so.
To demonstrate the skewed nature of their results. In the reliability figures they give (respondent's boilers by brand), seem to not be incline with true market share. Although I confess my recollection of those figures is a little hazy as I sitting through a tedious presentation from one of the 3rd biggest in the country at the time. Perhaps Alec will remember.
Further... in their little table of most common boiler faults since 2005. There were only 539 replies. Great. Since April 2005, I have repaired more boiler faults than that. Therefore my customer database would be a far more reliable source of figures in that respect, as would thebe records kept my many of the other professionals on this site.
Of which you are not. Are you John? What is your profession. How many boilers have you installed an maintained since April 2005? How many pipe joints have you made in that time also? How many needed PTFE to seal up? Seem to remember you skirting that particular issue a short while ago.