Hi David and welcome to the forum.
The thermostat receiver you have [MT10RF-Mechanical RF thermostat] is the same as the OP, and will unplug as described above.
If your boilers wiring terminals are also the same, then yes, the wiring will be the same. Unfortunately "Worcester 40cdi early model" doesn't help much as there are many models and the wiring is not all the same. However, if your wiring is different from the OP, does the diagram below represent the reality with your boiler?
If not, if you could post details of what you do have, someone should be able to assist you.
As you are a newbie, for your information, it is better for you to start a new thread with your own question. When you do it will also appear in the 'unanswered threads' section and will be seen more readily by those that can help rather that being hidden at the end of someone else's several months old thread. This is also known as hijacking and against the forum rules.
Don't start a new thread now though, otherwise you will have two threads going on the same subject which can really get confusing.
The thermostat receiver you have [MT10RF-Mechanical RF thermostat] is the same as the OP, and will unplug as described above.
If your boilers wiring terminals are also the same, then yes, the wiring will be the same. Unfortunately "Worcester 40cdi early model" doesn't help much as there are many models and the wiring is not all the same. However, if your wiring is different from the OP, does the diagram below represent the reality with your boiler?

If not, if you could post details of what you do have, someone should be able to assist you.
As you are a newbie, for your information, it is better for you to start a new thread with your own question. When you do it will also appear in the 'unanswered threads' section and will be seen more readily by those that can help rather that being hidden at the end of someone else's several months old thread. This is also known as hijacking and against the forum rules.
Don't start a new thread now though, otherwise you will have two threads going on the same subject which can really get confusing.