As you say you have made a cost/benefit comparison, would you mind sharing it?
I don't see why you think that cork based renders wouldn't be breathable at >50mm, stone walls at 600mm thick are still breathable, how breathable they would be will be a function of their vapour permeability and thickness. While I agree that EPS is breathable to an extent, these renders, and wood fibre, are significantly more breathable, 5-10 times more vapour permeable, so could go on 5-10 times as thick for the same vapour permeability.
There a few potential advantage of insulated renders that I can think of, compared to say wood fibre:
1. No thermal bridges.
2. One trade on site.
3. Can go straight on to uneven walls without levelling.
I don't see why you think that cork based renders wouldn't be breathable at >50mm, stone walls at 600mm thick are still breathable, how breathable they would be will be a function of their vapour permeability and thickness. While I agree that EPS is breathable to an extent, these renders, and wood fibre, are significantly more breathable, 5-10 times more vapour permeable, so could go on 5-10 times as thick for the same vapour permeability.
There a few potential advantage of insulated renders that I can think of, compared to say wood fibre:
1. No thermal bridges.
2. One trade on site.
3. Can go straight on to uneven walls without levelling.