You mentioned about the safety factor, my response was towards that.
If the rads are too hot you turn the boiler flow down, so in turn the return pipe would be turned down to wouldn't it?
As I said, common sense should prevail
The heat emitted from the copper pipe would be negligible even in the summer.
It's tucked out of the way of hands, so the notion of safety is moot, especially as the return pipe is colder than the radiators would be.
You will find none of the pipes are insulated where they run through the floor, and the heat dissipates through the floor still, so even in the summer when you want hot water your still emitting heat through the pipes and the floors.
Edit: reading the thread again I'm sure this thread is a wind up..
You will find none of the pipes are insulated where they run through the floor, and the heat dissipates through the floor still, so even in the summer when you want hot water your still emitting heat through the pipes and the floors.
ALL the hot water pipes are insulated,When I say ‘ Hot Water’ I don’t mean hot water for heating…so there’s No heat dissipated in the summer, and the central heating pipes don’t get hot in the summer anyway, so yes they don’t need insulating…….
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