I'm running 15mm PEX pipe under the screed circa 35-40mm in depth, the pipes are laid on a concrete sub base that has 150mm insulation in. My question is what is the best insulation to wrap the pipes in? I'm currently using wool, but is there anything with more performance? Should it even matter?
Pipe run is 3m out and 3m return total 6m will be in the screed without any joins all one run in pex.
I'm running 15mm PEX pipe under the screed circa 35-40mm in depth, the pipes are laid on a concrete sub base that has 150mm insulation in. My question is what is the best insulation to wrap the pipes in? I'm currently using wool, but is there anything with more performance? Should it even matter?
Pipe run is 3m out and 3m return total 6m will be in the screed without any joins all one run in pex.