He's not teasing. He really believes what he's writing. His comments are so RWR that if he was teasing, his comments would be humorous and not totally and continuously bigottedOnly if the person saying it is of a different race.The French delegate also chipped in & stated that if the Germans objected to the word Fritz as racist than they objected to the word "frog" which they also
considered to be racist
Probably more likely xenophobic or humourous.
Stop teasing the hard of understanding.
Which are secret, and you have access.(Tis all in the minutes of the meetings)
The Dutch delegation over heard some of the delegates from eastern Europe suggesting that there delegation had a number of homo sexuals ??
The Dutch made an official complaint accusing some of the eastern Europeans of Homo Phobia, the dutch threatened to walk out
The American delegate Bubba Sherbert from Arkansa had to intervene & reminded all the delegates that they were representing liberal democracies (?) and that they were not in Saudi Arabia
(Tis all in the minutes)
Are you resorting to attempts at humour in the hope of disguising your "lies & propaganda", insults and racist comments to try to hide your deficiency in integrity and sincerity?The Dutch delegation over heard some of the delegates from eastern Europe suggesting that there delegation had a number of homo sexuals ??
The Dutch made an official complaint accusing some of the eastern Europeans of Homo Phobia, the dutch threatened to walk out
The American delegate Bubba Sherbert from Arkansa had to intervene & reminded all the delegates that they were representing liberal democracies (?) and that they were not in Saudi Arabia
(Tis all in the minutes)
Some or many will dismiss every thing as lies & propaganda....
Your resort to humour does not disguise your insulting and racist intent.The irish delegate Eamon O'Reily stated for the record that if the Germans were having the word "Fritz" & the French were having the word "Frog"
than they wanted the word "Mick" as a racist remark
The following may not be accurate ? & may only be hear say ?as it is not in the minutes.
But it was reported that the Swedish delegate laughed ?? & an irish delegate threatened to stick one on him ?
You would qualify for the position of forum idiot except you've miserably failed the ability to be impartial in bigotry.The American delegation had to make a speech to the European delegates reminding them that they were representing modern liberal democracies
He quoted the American constitution on freedom of speech he reminded them again that this was not Saudi Arabia
The Hungarian delegation asked what was U.S foreign policy with regards the middle east ? they were told that the U.S had adopted a
"hearts & minds" policy & quoted the American President Lyndon Baines Johnson who said
"Grab them by the b***s & there hearts & minds will follow"
tis all in the minutes . eventually the trade talks got back on track to the subject of turtle wax & hot dogs
There's nothing funny about your racism, or your lying propaganda, or your derogatory insults, or your sorry attempt to hide your embarrassment.that they should act as adults , have sense of humour & to not throw there toys out of the pram.