Intermediate light switch

15 Sep 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi guys; I just registered on this forum and am in need of your advice. Would appreciate a few minutes of your time.

I'm replacing light switches in hallway & landing.

SWITCH 1: (front door 2 gang 2 way) one gang wired normally for porch light. 2nd gang wired: Grey to COM, Blue & Black to L1, Brown (x2) to L2.

SWITCH 2: (landing 2 gang 2 way) wired for landing light and hall light.

INTERMEDIATE SWITCH: (bottom of stairs, ie; in the middle of the other Two).

There are 3 x 3-core cables into the backbox.
2 Greys connected into plastic connector in Backbox. Earth in Backbox.
1 non-connected Grey, 3 Black, 3 Brown.

This is where I am confused. The intermediate switch is a Retrotouch (touchswitch) and the terminals are marked: (L2 OUT), (L1 OUT), (L IN) and finally (N IN).
These must corespond to L's 1-4 but I don't know what goes where.
Also on this intermediate are two other terminals marked SIGNAL A & B (perhaps these are for a remote control?).

I have tried connecting in various ways using trial and error but with limited success. some configurations made everything work but also switched on a living room light and a bathroom mirror light which I didn't know were connected in. Any ideas fellas?
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These must corespond to L's 1-4
They don't - that switch requires a neutral which you don't have.

It's probably also designed only to work with other switches in the same range, or possibly any retractive switches (the instructions should say) which will be connected to the A&B terminals.

Basically you need to get a conventional intermediate switch or rewire that part of the lighting circuit to use that type of switch. As long as you made a note of what went where on the old switch the former will be by far the easiest approach.

some configurations made everything work but also switched on a living room light and a bathroon mirror light which I didn't know were connected in.
That's curious. Where did all the conductors from those cables go before?
Thanks for the quick reply B-A-S. Your advice made me double check the product description on their website.

Yes, the touch switch only works with other touch switches. Nowhere on the box or in the enclosed instructions does it tell you this. I had two rocker switches and one touch switch.

Suppose I get two more touch switches - how will the wiring then work? Do I then need to wire in a Neutral - if so, how?
Also, still not clued up as to what the A&B terminals are for.


I can understand a schematic but I don't know what each wire (colour) actually is/does.

'...that's curious.'

Really can't remember how the old intermediate was previously wired. After messing around with so many various config's I lost track. The living room ceiling light/s, however, must have been in the circuit somewhere along the line but we would not have noticed - we use only upright lamps in the living room, and the overheads are really just decoration unless your my mother-out-law who, when she visits, wants the whole Wembley Stadium effect (and the telly louder than Motorhead and Iron Maiden in a bar fight).

Also, I presume, for all three switches to work properly they must have been wired into both the Ground Floor and the First Floor circuits.

Cheers mate.

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