The BBC, like any organisation, comprises individuals. I suspect when it comes to cases like Savile, much of the failures come down to various individuals protecting their career and/or not having enough actual evidence to go on. This was evident when watching people interviewed in subsequent years, you could almost sense their unease, possibly realising they put their career progression above doing anything. Can we all, hand on heart, say we might not do likewise? Btw, please note (before someone tries to say it) I am NOT defending anything that piece of scum did in typing the above.
Further, I'm also not convinced the same thing couldn't happen in any of the major tv channels. There could be a modern day Savile working right now for ITV, C4, C5 whoever. And maybe some people have their doubts about said person but have a career to protect and/or don't have the evidence.
It was interesting watching Katherine Ryan being interviewed by Louis Theroux recently. She mentioned calling someone out (to their face) for being a sexual predator I think during the recording of a tv panel show or something. The recording was stopped and obviously those bits didn't make the edit. According to Katherine, it is an open secret in their industry about this 'major name', however she doesn't want to mention them by name because of the possible legal consequences. As she said 'I have a mortgage that needs paid.' So, if true, that could be another Weinstein in the making and it might all come out years from now.
I think the way the BBC is funded is up for debate, however I can't get my head around people that call for its outright closure and refer to it as if it's some sort of horrendous blot on our media landscape. Be careful what you wish for is what I'd say on that front.