I dont see how you reach that conclusion.So for mb to suggest that they are ill-informed and not desperate seems to me, to be a biased, politically motivated inference
I dont see how you reach that conclusion.So for mb to suggest that they are ill-informed and not desperate seems to me, to be a biased, politically motivated inference
Your opinion is yours, and yours only.. We ...
Is it feck. We need more third world immigrants from 'that' religion like a hole in the head. They should stay and make a success of their own country, if they're so bright. But then, it easier to get the British to give them a good life, rather than struggle to do it for themselves.
Is that the initial rejection rate?Its why the rejection rate is 66% - I did post the actual numbers.
Me neither, its certainly a view held by those patrolling the waters. Somebody tells you its only 30 miles and that people can swim it and you might be tempted. I've sailed with people who ask if they can swim off the back when the tide is flowing at 4kts and the water is 15 degrees.I dont see how you reach that conclusion.
The issue of "it would appear that some have such little experience of the sea and cold weather,.. " is not being debated.its certainly a view held by those patrolling the waters.
With which darrington agrees. No surprise there.More ignorant hate-filled rubbish
And this soi-disant "friendly site" does absolutely nothing to stop people promulgating messages of racist etc hate.
I also found it amusing that the post was 'liked' by your mate Doppy, also an rabid anti-racist person.Why do you and your fellow travellers labour under the misapprehension that there can't possibly be more than one person who disagrees with you?
Are you trying to resurrect the "fellow traveler" argument which has previously been put resolutely to bed?So is your disdain for racism not apply to travellers? You thought it was perfectly acceptable to imply that I was a traveller, in a negative manner, just the other day.
I also found it amusing that the post was 'liked' by your mate Doppy, also an rabid anti-racist person.